Wednesday, August 12, 2015

It's Wednesday...And It's YAY Or NAY Trailers! With Pitt/Jolie and About Ray

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!! 

Release Date September 18 2015

Well, if your read my review Monday I did note....WAIT UNTIL WEDNESDAY. And here it is!
I read awhile back that Elle was going to tackle this role. I thought at the time....I cannot see it. Well it looks promising. She looks the part. However it seems like a really heavy subject taking it from the angle of the families point of view. Just by the trailer....a slight YAY. They tried really hard to add some humor into the trailer and it did not work which makes me worry.

Release Date November 15

WHAT THE.......!!!!!!!!
What a terrible trailer.
Looks depressing!!
And it looks like they are just selling Pitt and Jolie...not the story.

Release Date August 21

This looks funny. I like Brosnan, I think he is underrated and since his Bond days he has done some really good work in small films. I thought the trailer was funny. I am in!!!!!!! YAY!!!

My sad news laptop went south...BOOO.  I am hoping a battery will fix the problem. Today was my first Blog with my chromebook.  Not a huge fan yet. So any mistakes??? Hey I did my best.
So from the shadows with my chromebook as always thanks for your time.

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