Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday Recommended: The Shadow Movie Theatre Rules!!!

Image result for regal cinemas images

No movie recommendation this Monday.
I know settle down!!!
I will give you a minute.....................Okay!!

This week I recommend the Shadow Movie Theatre Rules if I was in charge of the greatest cinema in the world. And the world is a big place!!!


1-You decide to go to see a movie in the afternoon, or a movie at night which has been out for many weeks, either way the theatre is empty. You are sitting there in a back row chilling while the ads are running and in comes a patron. The patron has the whole theatre to choose a seat from but they decide to sit in your row or the row in front of you!!!! WTH!!!!!!!!!!!! RULE...when you come into a theatre...personal space rules!!! Do not sit in my row and also give a two row space!! That rule applies until the theatre fills up and it cannot be fulfilled.

2-Popcorn eating!! You are comfortable...getting ready to watch a film you have been dying to see. Then you think you hear a cow in the theatre. How did a cow get in the theatre?! You know you hear a cow eating grass. You are about to tell the manager that there is a cow in the theatre. However you look right and then you realize it is not a is someone eating popcorn. You give the person the stink eye but that person is not looking at you. You hear it over and over again and you are shocked that this person has someone with them and that person is not stopping it!!!!!!!!!!! You realize that the person with the cow is use to it, and they think they are home and they are by themselves. You watch the cow grab handfuls of popcorn and squash it into his mouth. You want to ask if he wants ear hooks for his bucket. While this is happening you are missing the film. RULE: You are not at home. Again: You are not at home!! You eat popcorn like a civilized human!! One ...two...or three kernels at a time. If three people get your money back and you are gone....with the person you are with who did not tell you to act like a human. AMENDMENT: Also all candy wrappers must be opened and prepped before movie time.

3- This may sound odd but I have no problem with people texting in the theatre. As you can tell from the above, sounds bother me more. I think its because my eyes are focused more on the screen and as long as you keep the phone down and sound off...text away. However I do understand that texting can bother others. Me, I sometimes use my phone in the theatre to send notes to myself to remember for my blog and I feel bad because I do not want to bother anyone. RULE: This could be a patron rule or a theatre rule. How about the last 3-5 rows of the theatre to be saved for texters!!! That way texters are behind those who can be annoyed by texting.


1-Prices...Prices..Prices. I understand that theatres make most of their money from the concession stands. In fact....when a film is out in the first week the percentage they get from the ticket prices is very small. So yes I understand that they have to make money I also think adults understand that also. As an Adult, you understand what it cost and you can make a decision to partake in the drinks; popcorn; and candy at the concession stands or not. My issue is taking advantage of the kids. Their popcorn and drink and candy are all part of the experience and it puts parents in an odd situation if they do not want to spend five dollars for a handful of popcorn a small drink and a piece of candy in a fancy box. RULE: Charge kids 10 and under 2 bucks for the pack and have them hand over the money then stamp their hands so adults don't take advantage of it. Kids handing over the money is important, it helps them understand the value of money and counting the change. Or the other answer is with a kid ticket they get a coupon for a 2 dollar pack. I think all this is important for the future success of theatres, for tomorrow and years to come. To make the experience less stress worthy in the pockets. Plus, for two dollars the theatres are still making money off that sale.

2- Back to the concessions. The concessions should take more than 10 minutes. We pay enough...staff properly. RULE: If the wait is 10 minutes...manager gets his/her hands dirty. They have radios...get the employees that are checking theatres over to concessions and pour some drinks.

3- RULE: In multitheatre complexes, one small theatre should always be used for smaller art house films. Theatres should support smaller films, even if they just keep them for a week. There is a market and they will make money during that week. Those art house films do not need to make 50 million dollars to make their money back, they have low budgets. Theatres should also support the arts (yes I know superhero films are art, but you know what I am saying), I think they have a responsibility. Instead of keeping PIXALS for week 6 that small theatre will make more by having the first week of Testament Of Youth.

4-I love trailers. However I saw some advertisements and then sooo many trailers last week that the movie that was to start at 1:30 started at 1:55. No!! That is wrong!! RULE: I understand the concept of ads and money making and having consumers there without a fast forward button. However, again I love trailers, but 15 minutes limit tops, that is four trailers.

My perfect theatre in the world
From The Shadows as always thanks for your time.

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