Saturday, August 8, 2015

New Film review: Irrational Man

Image result for irrational man

Directed and Screenplay by Woody Allen
Starring Joaquin Phoenix; Emma Stone; and Parker Posey

A tormented/depressed philosophy professor with a drinking issue (Phoenix) finds a will to live when he over hears a conversation at a diner.

It is a strange film. It is a hard film to categorize. I liked it but did not love it. It is not a drama but it is not a comedy. And strange as it sounds I did not love it but I would like to see it again. I think it is because it is well acted or maybe because it is so different..
Emma Stone plays Jill a student at the university. She is smart and has become smitten with her professor. She does a wonderful job here playing a smart but naïve student.
Parker Posey plays Rita another instucter at the school who also falls for Abe, and wants to leave her husband and run off to see the world with Abe. It is hard to believe Posey has never been in a Woody Allen film. She seems like a female Woody Allen. So of course she is wonderful in this movie even though her character is not really fleshed out.
Joaquin Phoenix is perfect as the depressed professor Abe. He almost mumbles his way through life and walks with a slight slouch like he is never interested in going anywhere. Then after that fateful day in the diner you watch him transform. He is sad, intelligent, comical. A very good almost quiet performance.
That all being said.....the strange thing is...the two leads Stone and Phoenix lack chemistry. I know it is odd because they give wonderful performances but together it just seems off. And that is a problem. It leads you as the viewer to lose focus while watching.
As for the script...I loved it. Not sure if I liked the abrupt ending but I loved that it had smart dialogue and it did not over stay its welcome coming in at 96 minutes.
A quick note, a wonderful light jazzy score, that gives the film a pace and a quirkiness. Loved it!!!
 I would give Irrational Man 3 1/2 stars out of 5. I understand this review is choppy a little bit, but I did not want to give out any spoilers. Well any way, back to the film, I do think this may end up being an underrated Woody Allen film, mainly because other reviewers may be insistent on categorizing it, and this is one film you just have to let it go and just enjoy.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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