Monday, August 31, 2015

New Film Review: NO ESCAPE

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Directed by John Erick Dowdle
Screenplay by John Erick Dowdle and Drew Dowdle
Starring: Owen Wilson; Lake Bell; and Pierce Brosnan

In their new overseas home, an American couple (Bell and Wilson) soon finds themselves and daughters caught in the middle of a coup, and they frantically look for a safe escape in an environment where foreigners are being immediately executed.

First I will get this out of the way!! I read in a couple of reviews out there that this film is racist!! What? It makes me sad when the PC police reach into entertainment and make remarks that are untrue to fill their agenda. This is a story of a family...outside of their element..trying to escape and get the heck out. It has been criticized because it only shows the struggle of this white family...not the  people living there in their native country!! Well!!!!! That is not what this film is about!!!!!!!! If you want to make a film about what countrymen or women do when there is a coup...well make it. Oh wait a minute Hotel Rwanda showed both sides and how it is ugly. Here you just see a little bit of the slaughter of the locals caused by the uprising. And ...that is enough for me. The PC police made the same remarks about the great film The Impossible. Again if you want to make a film about the locals and the tsunami and the rebuild...go for it. However that film was about a family and their true story of escape (In fact that story showed the kindness of the locals). The odd thing about what the PC police wanted in this was a film about locals hiding. They don't plan on running away to their country because they are living there!!!! So you want a hiding movie...sounds exciting...not.

Now to this film. It is an okay movie.
Wilson is very good playing the brave man. Bell, one of the most underrated actresses working today (and a very good writer), is perfect as the mother who really did no want any parts of this move.
The movie is exciting from the get go I mean they check in and crap hits the fan!! The film wastes no time.
The negatives:
Pierce Bronson is really good here and funny. However the trailer is deceiving and so are the posters. Bronson is only in the film for 10 minutes!! When he is not on the screen you miss him because his character brings personality to the film.
The couple's children may be the most annoying children in film this year. I will not say more because it would be mean but ....ugh!!
The film become almost tedious. It is dark so you can't really see the difference of where they move from point to point, and after awhile it gets boring, and you just want them to make a big move and go and end the film. The 103 minutes film felt real long.
 And finally!! The director/screenwriter never telling us where they are!! What country?? PC again??
3 stars for this film which would be an exciting film to watch at home but...maybe not worth a trip to the theatre for.

Sorry for no recommended this Monday. Changing things up the next couple weeks for the holiday and then will get back on track late next week with the usual Blog schedule.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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