Saturday, April 24, 2021

My Top 5 Worst Films of 2020

 There will be no top 10's this year. Lets face it 2020 sucked so I am going to give you my five best and worst of here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This post is my lousy 5!!!!!!


Not even Dev Patel can save this poorly done story. Throw in trying to be politically correct in a time where things were not politically correct, which made the story more of a mess



A depressing mess of a film. That is a hard watch, starring Adam Brody as a has been detective.
The trailer made it seem like a comedy, there is nothing funny here.



What could go wrong? I mean the very funny Craig Ferguson in a castle in Scotland! Well, it went wrong. The problems start and it ends with the screenplay by Kathie Lee Gifford. Good premise of a widow wanting to travel the world and ends up in Scotland first, this is where the hi-jinx should begin, sadly it does not. It all falls flat and Ferguson and Gifford, real friends in real life, strangely have no chemistry. It just bad.Then you have Ferguson and you do not let him be Craig Ferguson, almost like his humor was muzzled.


Blake Lively plays a woman seeking revenge on those who caused a plane crash that killed her family.
It is boring.
It goes no where.
The film has a training scene that is plain stupid and silly.
I cant figure out why she is being trained. They had no one else...who is at least partially trained?
Her approach to unrealistic.
I have to say...Director and Screenwriter Mark Brunell delivered a piece of crap.
Oh by the way ....did I mention this is boring

And now my number one worst film of 2020!!!!!!!!!!
First lets look at my other worst movies from past years:

2015 Ricki And The Flash
2016 The Hollars
2017 Everything Everything
2018 Mid90's
2019 Poms

And now to join that rotten list is:



Yes that trailer looks no be fooled.

I am one of the rare people who saw the French version in the theaters Force Majeure which was wonderful. I was excited to see the American version.

Well ...this version tries to add more humor it fails. Two directors, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash, both could not make it work. The tone shifts were clunky. Pete (Ferrell) is a nervous wreck afraid all the time of death. Billie (Dreyfus) is just a miserable person.
There is not much that is good about this film. Awkward in a bad way. A flat tone. Not funny. We do not care about the characters to get or feel the drama.
It is just not pleasant.

The french version I think did not try the humor, it trusted the humor in the situation, everything flowed..This was not good...

So there you go my Number 1 worst film of 2020!!!
My top 5 films of 2020 is coming next.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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