Thursday, April 22, 2021

New Film Review: The Marksman


Directed by Robert Lorenz
Screenplay by Chris Charles and Danny Kravitz

Liam Neeson is Jim, a rancher on the Arizona border, stumbles on a young Mexican boy running from the cartel. He sets off on trying to keep the young man alive.

This is a Liam Neeson action film. You know this going in. Is it good? Yes its pretty good. Not one of his best. Not great. Its serviceable as a movie. 
Liam gives a really good performance, often acting without saying much. He has really good chemistry with this Miguel played by Jacob Perez.

The movie is predictable, You know there is going to be a clash at the end, but like I noted, it gives you what you pay for , at the same is kinda forgettable. I thought often while watching this, Liam is getting a bit old for these types of films lol.

2 stars out of 5 for this action movie that gives you the feels a bit at the end. You could do worse I guess.

From the shadows as usual thanks for your time.

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