Friday, April 23, 2021

New Film Review: The little Things


Written and Directed by John Lee Hancock

Denzel Washington plays Joe Deacon a Kern County Deputy Sheriff sent to LA to pick up some evidence for a case. Instead he gets caught up in a search for a serial killer.

Oh Boy!!

The positives:
Well Denzel plays a kind of quiet role here as Joe. He almost shuffles through life., with secrets. He always very good.
Jaret Leto as Albert Sparne is fantastic in a small role as a he crazy or is he not role. If he is not...what game is he playing.

The negatives:
Oh there is a lot. This movie is surprisingly boring and it goes no where. No spoilers here..but it has a twist at the end, and that twist, you just get the movie is about bad people getting away with doing bad things. It falls flat. Almost pointless. It has all this talent and it just does not work. It seemed to take forever to get to the end and its whole lot of nothing.
Rami Malek is god awful and maybe miscast as an almost comical Jim Baxter. I did not believe his character for a moment...then him being an idiot at the end was stunning and out of character.

I have too wonder if this film was edited down to make this movie a bit off. I wonder if there is a better film on the cutting room floor out there.

Well 2 out of 5 stars for The Little Things. 2 stars for two good performances and the atmosphere and tension (which leads no where) keeps you watching.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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