Friday, April 23, 2021

New Film Review: Mank


Directed by David Fincher
Screenplay by Jack Fincher

!930's Hollywood. We follow Herman Mankiewicz as he writes Citizen Kane, while also weaving his way through the politics of Hollywood at the time.

Lets get to it:

The good:
The look..a soft black and white. You feel like the Fincher brothers plops you into this time and place. It is just a wonderful looking film
Gary Oldman as Mank. Often funny. Often a mess. He keeps you watching as he weaves his way through Hollywood politics. he in the top 5 living actors right now? Could be.
Lily Collins as Rita Alexanader is so freaking good in this film. She almost plays a babysitter to Mank. Without her Mank is nothing. She is often maybe more than a babysitter...her facial expressions are priceless in this film.
Amanda Seyfried as Marion Davies. Its 1930's Hollywood, you need a starlet. Amanda is perfect. No spoilers here but...just perfect.

The bad:
The editing decisions. i got lost often in this film of where and what time and place we are at. This jumps and jumps time, and because of this it loses its momentum often. Then at the end the times collide. This kinda worked in the latest Little Women, the jumping back and forth in time. In Mank it makes the film often confusing. I think it was a bad decision by the Fincher brothers. I think they could have told the story straight up with no time jumps. It would have been cleaner

Do not let the "Bad" turn you off. There is a lot going on here. Hollywood prejudice; politics; sexism; and backstabbing. It is a good watch. 4 out of 5 stars for Mank. it is enjoyable.

From the shadows thanks for your time.

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