Thursday, December 19, 2019

New Film Review: Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

Image result for star wars the rise of skywalker


Spoiler free...

This will be difficult making it spoiler free...but here I go.

Even though there was a negative feedback for Star Wars 1...2 ...3 and positive feedback for 4...5..6.
they all did something right. They had one leader, one storyteller, one director folding the story into the next part or film. This is where 7...8...9..clearly went wrong. They should have locked J.J. in for all three before it started, if not they should have went somewhere else until they could lock down someone for all three movies.
So here we come to the final chapter of this trilogy..with J.J. Abrams in charge.

Points with no spoiler:

-The shocking thing here this film sort of ignores Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi. Other than Rose (Who sadly is barely in this by the way) and the ghost of Luke, he just wipes out the mistake that The Last Jedi was. You can pretty much watch just The Force Awakens and this movie and just skip The Last Jedi and not miss a thing.
-Because he is trying to fit so much in one episode, this film feels choppy...There is a war with the New order. There is this cube or thing Rey is going after. There is this strange constant mind melt between Kylo and Rey. There is a traitor somewhere. There is the return of Palpatine. Then there is a backstory for both leads Kylo and Rey. It is a lot, which really messes with the rhythm of the story telling.
They went on and on about Keri Russell being in this, she was barely in it, and we never saw her face!! She did have a relationship with Po but they never touched on it, they seemed to like each other, but again there was so many stories here they had no time to develop characters.
Even the return of Lando was quick and then passed over. no development like where has he been???!! However near the end he says something to a new character Jannah, played wonderfully by Naomi Ackie, that makes you there another Star Wars coming? Is this really the end?

-Getting back to so many story lines the film feels like it is flying at super speed never slowing down. There is an editing and pacing issue. Again J.J. has so much info he is flying through here trying to fit everything in. No time to take things in or breathe.Everything seems so underdeveloped.

-The film is dark. Dark looking, often I could not see what was happening or got lost at who is where.

-Dark themes. This film will scare little ones and also confuse them.

-Strange things I am suppose to ignore like two characters jump on a space ship and as it is flying and they do not fall off???!! That is one example. Again I think that goes back to, they had no time to write an escape for these two so they just had them jump on a moving spaceship. Then cut away to another story line.

I know I am being negative, but surprisingly I have to say I liked the film and it is all because of Daisy Ridley as Rey. She is soooooo good. You like her and want the best for her. She is what makes this film work and because of that, and the fun action scenes ...and the ending. Oh that ending, where two main characters are looking out into the distance, two that have been together from beginning of The Force Awakens melts your heart. It is a perfect ending.
Sadly I cant give you too many positives without spoiling, but I can say this is a well acted exciting story with characters we love, and because of that I give this film 3 stars out of 5. I just wanted a tighter plot or story with less...other stories if that makes sense. No Spoilers.
I want to see it again for sure....a second time may feel like the movie is moving slower knowing what is coming...again no spoilers. However a spoiler review is coming!!

From  the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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