Thursday, December 12, 2019

New Film Review: Dark Waters

Image result for dark waters


Dark Waters follows a Defense attorney Robert Bilott (Mark Ruffalo), who takes an environmental lawsuit against Dupont involving the sickness of a town because of chemical dumping.

It clearly wants to be like the movie Spotlight, but it fails miserably. Spotlight added tension and a race to get true info out. Spotlight highlights the wrong of the Catholic Churches but also the power and the struggle to get people to talk. It was scary and filled with tension. Dark Waters fails a lot. It is boring. The film seems stagnant, we follow the story for years, then watch people make decisions around a board table. The film does not move.
I know people said Mark Ruffalo is really good here,  but I disagree. He rarely shows emotion. Often seems tired. Do not get me wrong Bilott is a true hero, however...this does not work somehow.


Well I did not know the story, so I learned  a lot about the Teflon dumping and the Teflon poisoning, and the awful things Dupont did to the community.

Short review here...2 stars out of 5 for Dark Water, a good effort that is unfortunately a forgettable movie about something important.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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