Saturday, December 14, 2019

New Film Review: Richard Jewell

Image result for richard jewell movie


I will get into the controversy surrounding this film first...

 How do the people upset about Kathy Scruggs (played wonderfully by Olivia Wilde) trading sex (we do not see in the film) for information know it did not happen?
If you look at Scruggs is possible. She did have relations with law enforcement.
Maybe she liked sex...and liked to take advantage of idiot men who would trade info for sex. Why cant she? Is it wrong? Most likely but, are you telling me in the history of journalism it was not done?
But she cannot defend herself because she is dead!! MMMM...okay why does she have to defend herself. True or not the guy is the idiot not her, she is the smart one, again maybe she wanted to have sex with the FBI guy, and good for her he had info. She is a woman free to do with her body what she wants. Is it true here...not sure ...but if it is good for her. If not...I think this newspaper in Atlanta wants us all to look left instead of right where they buried this poor guy....they had the info that this guy could not possibly be guilty and still kept running with it.

Now to the movie:

The film is well done. You really have to know coming in that in a Clint Eastwood he is very subtle, he does not hit you over the head with things, he lets a film breathe.
The story follows Jewel (Fantastic performance by Paul Walter Hauser) before the incident and during the incident and a little after.
He is a frustrating watch because, Clint does not soften Jewell. Jewell is odd. He comes across as strange...not very bright...but oddly someone who thinks he is bright. He can be a bully when he is in charge, almost unpleasant. As he is accused he is not bright enough to figure out he is in trouble here.
It takes his lawyer Watson Bryant (Sam Rockwell in, as always, a great performance) to kind of reel him in.
The best performance of all the great performances is Kathy Bates as Richard's mother. Just a sweet southern woman whose life has turned upside down.

The movie drags sometimes often the film does not push forward. However that is Eastwood, maybe he wants the viewer to feel how long and drawn out this investigation is going.
The ending is very...soft. He finds out he is free from all this (no spoiler here you know the story), and it was just like...okay. Then it jumps in time, and it was....hey they found the guy...okay. I would have like more on how he got his life back, how he was treated afterwards.

Well great performances here and a good I give this movie 4 stars out of 5!!

Thanks for your time as always from the shadows.

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