Thursday, July 21, 2016

New releases this week for home viewing: Batman VS Superman

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Only one film to note for home viewing this week, a small film Batman vs Superman Dawn Of Justice!!

Batman vs Superman that is the plot. Throw in Wonder woman and Doomsday.

So let me start with the acting:
Henry Cavill is back as Superman. I know a lot of people do not like this Brit as Superman. I like him. Yes as people say he is stiff. However I think Superman should be stiff....he is an Alien.
Ben Affleck as a very dark Batman. Very very dark. He needs therapy. However he is very good as an aging Batman.
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman!!! I loved her!! I thinks she looks great and looks the part. Sadly she really did not have much to do in this film, I wanted more!!
Amy Adams/Jeremy Irons/Laurence Fishburne/Diane Lane all have small roles, but they are meaty and bring value to the story line.
Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. Way over the top. He is suppose to be a light on his feet funny bad guy. No. He was just annoying.

The Look:
Apparently the sun never shines in Gotham and Metropolis. Gloomy as the script.
Doomsday looks awful!! I mean it looked like a cartoon was thrown into the middle of the film. Real bad.

The Script:
I remember when I reviewed the last awful Avengers film I noted that people are in those buildings that are being destroyed. Here in this film it becomes a major plot point (and in Captain America also. I should be a screen writer!!). In fact the story here is pretty good. It is just soooo dark and some times you just want Batman to lighten up. At 2 hours and 30 minutes some editing was needed ( a funeral scene could have been shortened and a dream sequence could have been left on the floor, and the last battle was too long and messy). Still, the main plot points kept me interested.

3 1/2 stars out of 5 for this well acted, yet violent, and dark, and a little sloppy Superhero film. When you go to this film you want action and you get it, but it is a long build up to that point.

Oh this may be a spoiler but .....You see Aquaman! You see the Flash! You see Cyborg! And word is JLA will be less dark. Producers just saying that lets you know, that they know this Batman vs Superman was very dark.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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