Thursday, July 14, 2016

New Film Review: Ghostbusters

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Directed by Paul Feig
Screenplay by Kate Dippold and Paul Feig
Starring; Melissa McCarthy; Kate McKinnon; Leslie Jones; Kristen Wiig; and Chris Hemsworth

I often critisized trailers on this blog for misleading the paying movie goers.
Well....the Ghostbusters trailers shockingly goes the other way. Lets face it, the trailers for Ghostbusters were dreadful. They were stunningly bad. So, I went in to the theater with...well not much hope. Boy was I wrong.This film was pretty good!! Stunned!!

What went right:

The script/main characters. The women were not silly imbeciles, all four were really smart strong women which I loved.
The casting. Well you already know Mellissa Mccarthy who plays Abby Yates and Kristen Wiig who plays Erin Gilbert were going to be good, so I will spotlight Kate McKinnon and Chris Hemsworth . McKinnon who plays Jillian Holtzman steals the movie. Kate is hilarious as she spouts out her lines. Her physical comedy is fantastic. If you go see this film, watch her while other people are talking. You will agree with me, she steals this film. I read a review tonight, and the reviewer said she is annoying. She was suppose to be!! She is cra-cra!!
Chris Hemsworth, whom in the just okay remake of Vacation shocked me by how funny he was during his 10 minutes on screen. Here he has more time to be funny. He is great as a stumbling bumbling Admin. Assist. Laugh out loud funny.
Cameos: I loved the cameos by most of the living cast members, and the cameos did not disrupt the story. It was a nice tip of the cap to ones who paved the road.

The script/plot. There seems to be a lot of describing to us what is going on. There is a bad guy and maybe I missed it but there is no reason given for why he wants to do all this. No background...nothing. Just odd, we are suppose to think he is just being evil to be evil I guess. No revenge ...just evil.
Also the film gets a little wacky in the last 20 minutes with many plot holes. Wait a minute, Jillian created a nuclear weapon without telling anyone???!! Obviously it was thrown in to find a way to close the film. In other words they had trouble closing.
I thought Leslie Jone's Patty, who was the NY history expert of the group, did not seem to have much to do but almost do play by play.

3 1/2 out of 5 stars. Is it one of the best films of them year? Probably not. However it may be one of the funniest films of the year. You want to laugh, and you get plenty of laughs, four of the funniest women on screen right now. I think it is okay for the whole family(10 and up). Not often there is a good film that is not animated for the whole family. You want to see the battle with ghost, you get plenty of that. The film delivers what you want. It just had trouble closing a bit. Stay through the credits.

I mean who you gonna call anyway?

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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