Friday, July 29, 2016

New Film Review: Jason Bourne

Image result for jason bourne


Directed by Paul Greengrass
Screenplay by Paul Greengrass and Christopher Rouse
Based on the characters of Robert Ludlum
Starring Matt Damon; Tommy Lee Jones; Alicia Vikander; and Vincent Cassel

Well....Bourne is back.

And sadly just a little better than okay.

Acting. How can it not be well acted. Mat Damon!!! Tommy Lee Jones!!! Vincent Cassel!!! Even Julia Stiles!!
Action. You go for action it delivers. Car chase after car chase. However more on that later.
The script is clever. Bourne comes back looking for answers and revenge. Who does not like Bourne? Especially in this big government big brother age, Bourne is the ultimate outsider. That is why his films are so popular and he delivers or his character delivers again.

Alicia Vikander. When I first saw her in Ex Machina early last year I noted in this blog a star has arrived. Now after winning the Oscar she scores a big part in Jason Bourne. And....I cannot figure out what she is doing in this. She is just a shell of a person, almost like Ava in Ex Machina. We know nothing about her. Strangely her character, Heather Lee, showed no expression, just odd. They really did nothing with her, just a waste.
Timing problems and or edit problems. I can go with a lot. However there are odd things that happen where a person who is on one continent somehow jumps to another continent it seems right after a battle/or car chase. I constantly thought...........Hey how did you get there????!!!
The last 20 minutes was ridiculous. A car chase that was not needed. Some things happening in that car chase bothered me (It goes back to my blog about superheros knocking down buildings with people in it). It also made the film seem long.

3 out of 5 stars for Jason Bourne. Better than average, however I think Greengrass watched too many Fast And Furious films. Without the car chases the film works with intense scenes in offices and hotels. That is when they spotlight the great actors that they have.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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