Monday, July 18, 2016

A Revisit!!! 30 years ago we were introduced to Newt.....ALIENS!!!!!!

Image result for Aliens movie

Yes thirty years ago today Aliens arrived. Packed with action. Throw in some heart! And throw in some great lines:

"That's it. Game over man! Game over!!"

"We better get back 'cause it'll be dark soon and they mostly come at night. mostly"

"Hey maybe you haven't been keeping up with current events but we just got our asses kicked"

"Get away from her you bitch"

Now like most of our revisits lets go with....where are they now!!!

Sigourney Weaver as Ridley: We just saw her do a cameo and as a running joke in Finding Dory...she has been seen and heard this summer.

Michael Biehn as Corporal Hicks: He is constantly working but nothing of any significance lately, however has worked with James Cameron in three films.

Paul Reiser as Burke: You know he went on to star in the TV hit Mad About You. Since then he has done small spots on TV buit nothing of signicance.

Lance Henriksen as Bishop: He is big in B Movies nothing much bigger than that. However he is constantly a working actor.

Bill Paxton as Private Hudson: Okay it is Bill freaking Paxton. You know what he is doing.

Jenette Goldstein as Bad Ass Private Vasquez: She is a stage actress. However her list of films is nothing to ignore....Terminator 2; Lethal Weapon 2; and a cameo in Titanic. Also her TV work with guest spots on ER; Alias to name just a few.

And the one you waited for....
Carrie Helm as Newt: She quit acting after one film Aliens. She is now 40. She has been married since 2005 and has one child. She is a school teacher in California.

Time for fun or not so fun facts.............

Carrie Helm amazingly got 2nd billing behind Sigourney Weaver even though she had no acting experience.

The knife trick scene was not originally in the script, everyone knew when it was later added except poor Bill Paxton.

The Alien nest set was kept intact after filming. It was later used in 1989's Batman.

Bill Paxton says he improvised most of his lines like "Game Over, Game Over Man!".

The 15 minute countdown at the end of the film is actually 15 minutes.

Paxton constantly apologized to Helm while filming every time he had to curse. Helm says she did not mind because she did not know what the words meant.

Hudson says the word "Man" 35 times.

Filming took place in an abandoned power station in Newcastle England

Well yes 30 years ago Ridley returned!!

As always from the shadows thanks for your time from the shadows.

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