Friday, July 22, 2016

New Film Review: Star Trek Beyond

Image result for star trek beyond


Directed by Justin Lin
Screenplay by Simon Pegg and Doug Jung
Starring...............everybody is back

Well they are back. Spoiler free reviews as always. Right away I can tell you that this is one of the better action films of the summer. It is a lot of fun.


It is summer, and we see a lot of films full of special effects. Star Trek Beyond is the best. Not even close. This film looks incredible from beginning to end.

The chemistry of the cast gets better and better as each of the new Star Trek films arrive. They are a lot of fun to just watch.

Yes chemistry is great, however a new character arrived and stole this film. Sofia Boutella as Jayla. Just fantastic. Behind all that makeup she somehow bring emotion and toughness to this wonderful new character.

A good bad guy always makes a film work and Idris Elba, unrecognizable as Krall, is nasty and it works.

The script. With Simon Pegg as one of the writers, even though the stakes are high , there is a lot more humor seamlessly added to the script. The script has action, real emotion, and again humor.
However speaking of the script.....

The negatives:

Again the script. At the 90 minute mark the film gets sloppy and seems to not know how to close. In fact I got bored because it seemed to jump all over the place toward the end, almost with so many story lines it seemed fragmented too much toward the end.
Also...there is one ridiculous "Distracting" scene involving a motorcycle doing ridiculous unrealistic things that was so ridiculous it took me a way from the point of the film. Again no spoilers here.

Still those negatives are small compared to the many positives in this film. 4 stars out of 5 for Star Trek and beyond. Great looking...see it on the big screen, and fun film. Just some script problems in the last half.

Nothing during or at the end of the credits., but stay 3 minutes in, you get a small tip of the cap notes to Leonard Nemoy and Anton Yelchin. Tears!!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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