Monday, July 25, 2016

New Film Review: Hunt For The Wilderpeople

Image result for hunt for the wilderpeople


Directed by Taika Waititi
Screenplay by Taika Waititi
Based on the book by Barry Crump
Starring Julian Dennison and Sam Neil

A national manhunt is ordered for a rebellious kid named Ricky (Julian Dennison) and his "uncle" Hec (Sam Neil), as they hide in the New Zealand bush.

Sam Neil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been!!!
What a nice pleasant film. It will be hard to review this with no spoilers.

What is odd about this film it comes across as across between a Wes Anderson film and a live action PIXAR film. This film is near perfect.

The script takes you into the New Zealand Bush mixing in a lot of excitement and humor flawlessly.
One second you are nervous for them and then you are laughing out loud.

You can tell the film was made on a low budget, but in reality it did not need a big budget. It was filmed in beautiful New do not need green screens and such when you have beautiful New Zealand as your background

Julian Dennison is perfectly cast as Ricky. He does not look like the overly cute Hollywood star. He just looks like the kid who lives down the street, and that makes him believable. Yes sometimes his acting is a bit butI can overlook that because sometimes he says so much by just a look which is hard for young actors who seem to want to always go big and not pull it back.

Sam Neil, Oscar nod??


It goes over the top really trying almost to hard to be a Wes Anderson film. To a point I wanted to say to the screen, no slow it down!!!

It may be too close to the script of UP.

There is one scene that disturbed involved killing an animal (No Spoilers). I will just say...when certain animals get killed in a film, especially when not necessary to add to a script it bothers me. I know it is my personal feelings, however it is my review and so my opinion.

But still, all in all one of the best films of the year so far!! 4 1/2 stars out of 5. If it gets a wider release find it and see it. It is a lot of fun.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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