Friday, April 15, 2016

New Film Review: Criminal

Image result for criminal movie 2016


Directed by Ariel Vromen
Screenplay by Douglas Cook and David Weisberg
Starring Kevin Costner; Gal Gadot; Tommy Lee Jones; and Gary Oldman

Costner plays Jericho. Who is locked away and is a bit insane. He ends up getting the memory of Reynolds to find out where a person is hiding.

Yes you read that right. He has Reynold's characters memories.
Critics are killing this. It is not great but it is not as bad as critics say. They complain about ridiculous plot holes and yes there are some but they also gave good reviews to the last Fast And Furious. Like there was no plot holes there??!!
I had fun watching this and is because of the actors. Look at the list above!! They are all good (Reynolds is barely in it, do not be fooled), including Gal Gadot Wonder Woman herself!!

The Screenplay is shaky. There are holes, but there is one big hole involving a bag which is hidden somehow during a chase. Also, the relationship between Costner's character and Gadot is sort of icky. Yes I used the word spoilers here. Last complaint....the ending was awful. It left things open and a bit icky. Again I used icky!!

The film is a lot like Reynolds other film Self/less. I found this film better.

It is worth a look at home. I give Criminal 3 out of 5 stars. Mindless fun, leave your brain in the other room. You watch this for action. And it delivers action.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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