Friday, April 15, 2016

New Film Review: Midnight Special

Image result for midnight special

Directed by Jeff Nichols
Screenplay by Jeff Nichols
Starring: Michael Shannon; Joel Edgerton; Kirsten Dunst; Jaeden Lieberher; Adam Driver; and Sam Shepard

A father (Shannon) takes his son (Lieberher) on the run from authorities with help from his good friend (Edgerton). The government thinks that his son is a national security risk because he was born with special powers.

Well you can see from the trailer, the boy indeed has special powers.
You can also tell from the list above that this cast is amazing. What is interesting is that every name listed above are actors who seem, at least lately, to be in juicy parts. They all decide to take films that seem to be character driven. In fact I think Dunst has really become a very good actress as she has gotten older and is underrated right now.

Now to the story. The screenplay is kind of a mix between ET and Close Encounters.Where you have some people racing to get to the place (ET) to be picked up (Close Encounters). Critics love it. Me? It was really good and exciting. My problem is there is no emotion. Like the people in this religious cult that they come from, they are emotionless. I know their characters  care a lot for the boy, as they push to get him to the the coordinates, but even from Dunst, who plays Sarah the mother, her character was out of the cult for some time and she still seems numb.

When I was walking out of the theater I asked the only gentleman who was in the screening with me what he thought. He said "Cold".  That may just hit the nail on the head...Cold. Still it is a little different and may be worth a look when it is available for home viewing. 3 1/2 out of 5 stars for Midnight Special.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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