Friday, April 22, 2016

New Film Review: Everybody Wants Some

Image result for everybody wants some


Director: Richard Linklater
Screenplay: Richard Linklater
Starring: Blake Jenner

The film follows a bunch of college baseball players for three days before their classes start.

This film is getting a lot of love from critics. Maybe because Linklater is involved. It is suppose to be his follow up to Dazed And Confused. I am not giving it much love.

The cast is clearly over 22. I checked, maybe I was wrong, I was right, many are 28 and over. Then I thought maybe I am missing something. Maybe, it is suppose to be a joke. The cast in all those 80's sex comedies like The Great Ameican Virgin and such were noticeably too old to be high school kids. Maybe it was a sly funny wink to the 80's films. Well.....if that is so, it was not funny. It was more distracting. In fact I barely laughed while watching this film.
Now the sets. They looked so cheap almost like the whole film was shot on the same set. "Okay the scene is shot lets turn this disco into a country bar. Rearrange the tables and bring in a bull". Honestly it really looks low budget. Again maybe it was a wink to those low budget teen movies. Okay it worked it looked cheap.
The script. I am telling you nothing much happens. I was thinking maybe this is suppose to be like Linklater's Before Sunrise movies. In those movies nothing much happens. We just follow two characters around as they have interesting conversations. Well okay, but the difference here is, there are no interesting conversations and everybody seems unlikable and annoying.

There is one positive, and that is in the last 30 minutes when two characters spend time with each other, Jake (the lead played by Blake Jenner), and a young lady who is a drama major Beverly (wonderfully played by Zoey Deutch). They are from different majors and backgrounds and when they are together in that last 30 minutes the movie perks up finally.

Still, those last 30 minutes do not save this film. Critics see Linklater and just go thumbs up. Do not be fooled, wait for home viewing if interested. Yes it is fun to see the 80's outfits and hear the 80's music, but...1 1/2 out of 5 stars. Outfits and music do not make a film. You have to have a script.
See my review of Sing Street which is getting a wider release next week.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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