Friday, April 8, 2016

New Film Review: Demolition

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Directed by Jean-Marc Vallee
Screenplay by Bryan Sipe
Starring Jake Gyllenhall; Naomi Watts; Chris Cooper; and Judah Lewis

An Investment Banker (Jake Gyllenhaal) Struggles after the death of his wife.I was looking forward to this film. It has a strong cast. I really like the director Valee who also directed Dallas Buyers Club and Wild. The film sorta of let me down. It was unfocused.Let me start with the acting:Gyllenhaal is on a roll with Nightcrawler, Southpaw; and Everest. Here he continues that roll with another odd character fighting life like he did in the other three movies. He is really good here as Davis. He is really not demolition things out of anger, he is demolishing the past. Opening his new life up. While obviously having a break down.Naomi Watts plays Karen a single parent who has some interest in Davis. However she really does not have much to do, I wonder how much of her part was left on the floor.Chris Cooper plays Phil. He is Davis's Father in law and also his boss. This is probably Cooper's best role/performance since American Beauty. He is broken because of losing his daughter and puzzled by his Son in law's actions. You really do feel his pain and that is a testament to the fine actor that Cooper is.There is a nice small part by a young actor Judah Lewis who plays Chris the son of Karen and becomes friends with Davis. This kid was really good here and becomes the most interesting character in the film.So we have some fine performances but now I come to the screenplay.I had a feeling coming in that this was not going to be the comedy the trailer has you trying to believe. I just can tell by the subject matter. "This is going to be so funny, his wife died and he is going through a breakdown". Yea!! The screenplay just lays there and I think they try to be funny but that humor does not break through. Davis is obviously going through a breakdown and his wife dies is too sad to laugh at. Then they add in a story line involving Karen the single mom. Then they add in the story focusing on Chris, Karen's son.  Then throw in the story line focusing on his wife's parents and his job. There are a lot of stories making the film feel unfocused and slow. In fact the story line with Gyllenhall and Lewis is the most interesting...two confused lost souls. Yet, they kept leaving that story line for another. The film is choppy (like my reviews) and slow, then it rushes the end and you sit there and think: Is that person okay, or where did that come from? The screenplay is all over the place, and it is covered with an umbrella of sadness.A well acted movie that the screenplay does not support. 2 1/2 stars out of 5 for DEMOLITION.As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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