Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Monday recommended: The art of the movie poster!

The above is a poster I love and I own. It is from the Swedish version and clearly this poster was released in Sweden; Germany; Denmark. I love a good movie poster and I have a habit of stopping and taking it in. For it is art. What is the poster saying to me or you. What does the poster want to get across. I love posters that say so much by not saying anything and just letting the poster speak.
I really think the art of the poster is underrated so this week in my recommended I give you some recent posters I really like.

I love posters that do not say anything, like " Blood will come" or "The end is near". Here it is simple and it says so much. Katniss on a thrown in blood red. Nothing needed to be said...just bad ass cool with blood red arrows. A great poster!!!

Image result for joy movie poster 2015

Here we are back to Jennifer Lawrence in JOY! What an awesome poster. Again not saying a lot. Just Joy looking to the sky almost for hope, with, it looks like snow or confetti falling down and an awesome shot of the reflection of that snow or confetti in her glasses. Also it just simply states Deniro...Lawrence....Cooper..just to remind you that they are together again.

It is so funny. It says so much. We wonder about what pets do when we are not there and here is a picture of a dog sitting and staring at a door. It is just dry and funny. We still do not know much about the film but this sure pulls you in with its cuteness.

It is so simple and pretty. It captures a time and place so well. Clean and peaceful, it makes you want to be there. It draws you in to the film and you really do not know what it is about (See my Yay or Nay trailers this week).

Lets face it!!!!!!!! This is a thing of beauty. The soft hazy blue. The snow on the trees. The cabin that waits. And then you look closer and you see drops of red that can only be blood. It breaks up the beauty. A great looking poster!

So next time you are at the theatre don't just walk by...there is a person or group of people who worked hard on this work of art ...so stop and take it in.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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