Saturday, September 19, 2015


Image result for grandma film

Directed by Paul Weitz
Screenplay by Paul Weitz
Starring Lily Tomlin; Julia Garner; Marcia Gay Harden; Judy Greer; and Sam Elliot

Lily Tomlin stars as Elle who has just gotten through breaking up with her girlfriend (Greer) when Elle's granddaughter Sage (Julia Garner) unexpectedly shows up needing $600 bucks before sundown. Temporarily broke, Grandma Elle and Sage spend the day trying to get their hands on the cash as their unannounced visits to old friends and flames end up rattling memories and digging up secrets.

Coming in at just 79 minutes it is barely a feature film, it more like a long short film. Contrary to what the trailer wants you to believe this is not a comedy. This film is more of a road trip taking place over the time span of a day. It is a bit heavy but strangely enjoyable, maybe because I am a sucker for road trip films. It is Lily Tomlin's film as she throws her hat into a Best Actress Nomination with a field that is starting to get crowded. We follow as Sage does, learning about grandma, her regrets and her aspirations and her accomplishments. As they ride around we see a collection of fine actors including Elliot who for the second time this year (I'll See you in my dreams) pops into a film and you really want him to stay around longer.
As for Julia Garner. She is almost Pixyish and she plays the part well, almost knowing to step back and let Lily work. She brings a fragility to the film. Almost a feeling of someone drowning in life and reaching out to anyone for help. She is really good.
The screenplay, like I noted before, is heavy with little bits of humor thrown in. There is an umbrella of sadness that is hard to shake, whether you are pro or con it does not matter. The screenplay tries to soften it with showing Elle, after parting ways with her granddaughter, showing that she, herself, learned a lot during the day. She changed during the day like her granddaughter and daughter. Almost finding a purpose.

3 1/2 out of 5 stars for Grandma. A very short film.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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