Wednesday, September 2, 2015

It is Wednesday...YAY OR NAY Trailer Time!!! With Burnt!!

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!! 

Release Date October 23 2015

Oh brother ...a rebel cook!! I just did not care..he seems like a jerk. NAY!! The food looks good however.

Release Date December 25 2015

Uhoh!!!! This looks bad. Bad accent!! It is interesting as a subject/documentaries but as a feature film....not at all. And the trailer tried to make it exciting and it failed. And bringing it out at Christmas?! That may be a bad idea. NAY!

Opening now in limited release

WelI I really liked the trailer. It looks really good, I just hope it does not get too political. Oh....Sam Elliot cool. YAY.

So one YAY from me this week.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time!!

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