Saturday, September 12, 2015

NEW FILM REVIEW: Learning To Drive!!

Image result for learning to drive movie
Directed by Isabel Coixet
Screenplay by Sarah Kernochan
Starring Sir Ben Kingsley and Patricia Clarkson

Wendy (Patrician Clarkson), a New York book critic, is shocked by the sudden end of her marriage. Always dependent on her husband for driving, she must now learn to take the wheel on her own. Her instructor Darwan (Ben Kingsley) is a Sikh Indian who watches with alarm as his pupil falls apart at the seams. He himself is contemplating an arranged marriage with a woman he has never met. As these two lives intersect, they learn a lot from each other.

Right away I have to say the trailer is awful. It is nothing like the film! It is not a comedy! It is a drama! Yes it does throw in humor here and there (including a hilarious sex scene), but it is more of a drama.
I also have to say this film is one of the best this year so far. Hello fall movie season!!
This film is very heavy at first. Then as the film drives on (see what I did there?) it gets lighter and lighter as each of the main characters start to find their way.
I cannot think of a film that Clarkson has been in that she has done a poor job. She is soooo underrated as an actress. Here she may have given her best performance since The Station Agent or maybe Pieces Of April. In fact if you compare her performance here to those two films she again is playing a person trying to fight her way through life and come out on the other side. Also, it is important to note she has great chemistry with Kingsly, which makes the film really work.
Kingsley without a doubt his best performance since Sexy Beast. You really believe he is Sikh Indian and plays the part so soft and calm. You fall in love with him as we learn more about his culture.
Directed by Isabel Coixet, and to be honest, I really did not like any of her past films, maybe Paris Je T'Aime was okay, but here she pulled back her reigns and scored in this short 90 minute film. Also the screenwriter should get a lot of credit because it is a "Talky", and Kernochan has you as the viewer hanging on every word.
4 1/2 out of 5 stars for Learning To Drive. More than just learning to drive, learning to push forward, with belief, some tears, and some laughter.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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