Friday, September 4, 2015

New Film Review: A WALK IN THE WOODS

Image result for walk in the woods film

Directed by Ken Kwapis
Screenplay by Rick Kerb and Bill Holderman
Based on the book by Bill Bryson
Starring: Robert Redford; Nick Nolte; and Emma Thompson

Bill Bryson (Redford), after a funeral, decides life is fleeting away so he decides the best way to connect with life is to hike the Appalachian Trail with one of his oldest friends Katz (Nolte). Much to the chagrin of his wife Catherine (Thompson).

I had many other movies going through my head while watching this. Wild, thinking they are going for a challenge by hiking a trail. Wild was much better. Marigold Hotel, facing the mental struggles of getting old and what to do with the time that is left. Marigold Hotel did it better. Sideways, two friends on an adventure (In fact one scene reminds you of Sideways, involving a pair of underpants). Sideways did it better.
I am not saying this film is bad, but it is just okay, and that is not what you expect with Redford/Nolte/Thompson. The film just lays there. It just cannot find its tone. The conversations are boring, and often have no connection to the plot. I did not read the popular book, but people rave about it, which makes me think they could not decide how to fit all of that book into a film in less than two hours. The screenwriters failed. They did not start walking until 45 minutes in (as opposed to Wild which started right away and then showed us flashbacks on why she is taking the trek). They did keep some slapstick in that worked sometimes for laughs. So...that is a positive.
The look!!!!!! Baaaaad green screen work. I just do not understand, how we get beautiful pictures from the trail in the credits but the decision was made to use a green screen during the filming. Maybe they spent all their money on the stars.
The stars?! Redford was pretty good and believable in this part. Originally he was going to make this movie with Paul Newman, that is how long this script has been out there, so now he hikes with Nick Nolte. Nolte, coming off a fine performance in Run All Night, is badly miscast here. Not for a minute did I believe he could do this for over thirty days (or even a day). Thompson is sadly underused, but real good in her limited time on screen.
I would give A Walk In The Woods 2 out of 5 stars, and that is for the few laughs I got out of it. A bit of a disappointment.

From the shadow as as always thanks for your time.

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