Saturday, September 12, 2015

NEW FILM REVIEW: Slow Learners!!

Image result for slow learners movie

Directed by Don Argott and Sheena M Joyce
Screenplay by Matt Serword
Starring Adam Palley and Sarah Burns

Jeff  (Palley) and Anne (Burns), two close friends who work together in a high school, are embarrassingly unlucky at love. They hatch a plan to transform themselves over the course of a sex-and-alcohol-fueled summer.

I was soooooo excited to see this film. It was filmed in Media PA...the town in which I live!! I love the look of this town and in this film it looks gorgeous and I am happy that people from all over can see this beautiful town.
As for the film? It is a modern day When Harry Met Sally. Just not as good. You see what is coming a mile away and to be honest, that is okay. Sometimes getting to that end can be a blast, and in this film it was a blast that died slowly.
First the positive:
The acting. Everybody from the leads to the many character actors is spot on. Again the look of my town gorgeous, especially one shot at night at a place called Veterans Square.
Then the negatives. The screenplay, it started out strong, and it died quickly. There are many funny scenes (especially a couple hilarious table scenes), and then it grew monotonous and the main characters became unlikable. I knew where it was going, but it became tedious and for a 96 minute movie it seemed very long. The screenwriters had a good idea and did not know how to keep  pushing it forward. It just died.
3 stars out of 5 for Slow Learners. A little better than average. Or maybe I have my hometown blinders on. Anyway might be worth a look as a matinee or home viewing.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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