Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday new releases for home viewing

There are just two new releases for home viewing this week:

Directed by Paul Feig
Screenplay Paul Feig
Starring: Melissa McCarthy; Rose Byrne; Jason Stratham; Jude Law; Miranda Hart; Bobby Cannavale; and Allison Janney

A CIA analyst (McCarthy) volunteers to go undercover to look into the a deadly arms dealer. However she ends up doing more than "looking into" as she ends of trying to prevent a global disaster.

This film was silly fun and it goes back to McCarthy being all in with her brand of physical comedy and writer/director Feig.
From the start the film it has a feel of a Bond movie, then comes the humor and it seems to not wrestle with the tone at all. It just works (and by the way the film earns its rated R MPA rating). I laughed out loud often and was worried about the characters just as often, so a lot of credit goes to the screenwriting.  Then casting!! The casting was spot on  perfect. The whole cast was all in, not one chink in the armor here. Law as a smarmy agent. Byrne is so nasty evil. Stratham hilarious as a frustrated agent, he gives an hilarious speech in the middle of the film. Janney is funny as the CIA boss.  And of course McCarthy who is not only hilariously rules the roost being well, Melissa McCarthy, but also not afraid to show feelings and emotions. Oh...and there is another actor of note, Peter Serafinowiicz as Aldo is fantastic as a perverted agent.
The negatives? Only one.The film gets a little over the top, okay a lot over the top at the end when a helicopter is used. For most of the picture I just went with it. It is a fun comedy, and I was laughing, so why not, but yes the end was a bit much.
4 out of 5 stars for a pleasant surprise SPY. I hope they make a sequel!! Make sure you stay through the whole credits....for a small funny scene.

Director: Doug Ellen
Screenplay by Doug Ellen and Rob Weiss
Starring: Every one in Hollywood

Vincent Chase, together with his boys Eric, Turtle, and Johnny, are back - and back in business with now studio head Ari Gold on a risky project that will serve as Vince's directorial debut.

Oh boy. When the HBO series Entourage series ended it was already running on fumes and this film I imagine was made to give it a spark. Well, no, it is still running on fumes. The film is sectioned off into many stories and most of these stories are not interesting. They run Hollywood stars and pro athletes in and out of the film to add laughs and that idea falls flat most of the time (Liam Neeson is literally on the screen for 10 seconds and gives us the biggest laugh), in fact when the stars walk through the film it distracts you and takes you away from the movie. Maybe that was the idea..."If we bring in a lot of stars it will distract the viewers from the scattered plot".
Well let me break it down to each characters individual plot:

TURTLE: Jerry Ferrara. He spends the whole movie trying to get a date with fighter Rhonda Rousey. This really does not work. It was not funny and I did not care.
VINCE: Adrian Grenier. Now directing his own movie. He is still loyal to his entourage but he comes across as smug and it is not funny and a little obnoxious. So he is trying to finish this film however he needs more money, so now he has to deal with a financier's son (Haley Joel Osment, yes that one). Yeah, it kinda works, but falls flat at the end.
ERIC: Kevin Connolly. Is going to have a baby with his on again off again partner Sloan (Emmanuelle Chirqui). Connolly does not have much to do. Plus, he really looks like he wanted no parts of this film. In fact he looks bored.
JOHNNY DRAMA: Kevin Dillon. Has some really funny lines and is much more interesting than the other members of the entourage. Still, his character is in the same place he was on HBO every season. Desperate for success, and now he is looking old and it comes across as pathetic and a little sad.
ARI GOLD: Jeremy Piven. Piven and his character are great!!! He could have his own movie!! It is fun to watch him as the studio head, one point walking with confidence, another point kissing ass, and another point throwing telephones. Ari is so funny and interesting, when he is not on the screen the film dies.

Other than Piven, there really is not much here to see or laugh at. As a whole, the film comes across as tired and scattered, not put together or fully formed. A generous 2 1/2 stars out of 5. They should have made a film just called ARI!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Monday recommended: The art of the movie poster!

The above is a poster I love and I own. It is from the Swedish version and clearly this poster was released in Sweden; Germany; Denmark. I love a good movie poster and I have a habit of stopping and taking it in. For it is art. What is the poster saying to me or you. What does the poster want to get across. I love posters that say so much by not saying anything and just letting the poster speak.
I really think the art of the poster is underrated so this week in my recommended I give you some recent posters I really like.

I love posters that do not say anything, like " Blood will come" or "The end is near". Here it is simple and it says so much. Katniss on a thrown in blood red. Nothing needed to be said...just bad ass cool with blood red arrows. A great poster!!!

Image result for joy movie poster 2015

Here we are back to Jennifer Lawrence in JOY! What an awesome poster. Again not saying a lot. Just Joy looking to the sky almost for hope, with, it looks like snow or confetti falling down and an awesome shot of the reflection of that snow or confetti in her glasses. Also it just simply states Deniro...Lawrence....Cooper..just to remind you that they are together again.

It is so funny. It says so much. We wonder about what pets do when we are not there and here is a picture of a dog sitting and staring at a door. It is just dry and funny. We still do not know much about the film but this sure pulls you in with its cuteness.

It is so simple and pretty. It captures a time and place so well. Clean and peaceful, it makes you want to be there. It draws you in to the film and you really do not know what it is about (See my Yay or Nay trailers this week).

Lets face it!!!!!!!! This is a thing of beauty. The soft hazy blue. The snow on the trees. The cabin that waits. And then you look closer and you see drops of red that can only be blood. It breaks up the beauty. A great looking poster!

So next time you are at the theatre don't just walk by...there is a person or group of people who worked hard on this work of art ...so stop and take it in.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Friday, September 25, 2015

New Film Review: The Intern

Image result for the intern movie poster

Directed by Nancy Meyers
Screenplay by Nancy Meyers
Starring Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway

70-year-old widower Ben Whittaker (De Niro) has discovered that retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be. Seizing an opportunity to get back in the game, he becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site, founded and run by Jules Ostin (Hathaway).

This is the type of film that critics love to rip. Critics think all films have to make a statement about something. They want the world to see how smart and PC they are.
Me? I really love a film like this that just entertains and maybe throws in a small lesson here and there. I am a sucker these films.
As for this film? I had a great time watching it. Hathaway and De Niro have fantastic chemistry. There is one wonderful scene when they are in bed together (Get your mind out of the gutter, just talking) which is heartbreakingly sad and kind of funny. The film tries to make a statement on working moms and can they work and be successful and be a mom at the same time. If you throw in an AHole of a husband maybe not!!! I think the point is mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy (Thank You Kacey Musgraves).
Now I love Nancy Meyers films however one of the problems here, as in most of her films, is she has a lot of trouble closing. We see that in The Holiday, in It's Complicated and so on. Here we understand what Ostin decides to do about her personal life and her business (No spoilers here). We were pulled along with these issues, but in reality they were not resolved, she made a decision but it does not resolve the issue which pushed the movie along.. So the same problems are still there after the film. The ending is just flat.
Still getting to that end is fun and emotional like most of her films.
4 out of 5 stars for The Intern. One of De Niro's best performances in years...and Hathaway, even though her character is bossy she somehow makes Jules likable. Go see it is fun.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

New Film Review: Everest

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Dirtected by Baltasar Kormakur
Screenplay by William Nicholson and Simon Beaufoy
Starring Jason Clarke; Josh Brolin; Sam Worthington; Emily Watson: Keira Knightley and Jake Gyllenhaal

On the morning of May 10, 1996, climbers from two expeditions start their final ascent toward the summit of Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth. With little warning, a violent storm strikes the mountain, engulfing the adventurers in one of the fiercest blizzards ever encountered by man. Challenged by the harshest conditions imaginable, the teams must endure blistering winds and freezing temperatures in an epic battle to survive against nearly impossible odds.

And I was not even climbing!! I was just sitting there with some popcorn!!
This is a very good film. Hold your breath excitement!! The film puts you right in the mess!!
Lead by director Kormakur and many talented actors, with a fantastic performance by lead actor Jason Clarke. Some like Gyllenhaal and Knightly, who take minor roles in this film, really shine.
I am not going to give up too many spoilers here. The description says it all. However I have to tell you I saw this in 3D. It was fantastic. In fact, from a guy who is not a big 3D fan because I feel it blots out sharp colors, if you plan on seeing this, movie theatre big screen and 3D is a must. The depth it shows is nerve wracking. I do not know if this film will translate well at home on a smaller screen.
Mind you. Yes it is a very hold your breath exciting film, however it is sorta sad and even though I really liked it, I am not sure I will want to see it again. So because of that I drop it down a notch and give it 4 1/2 out of 5 stars. Maybe the most exciting movie so far this year. Did I say exhausting?!

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday YAY OR NAY Trailers!!

Every Wednesday I judge a movie just by the trailer!! YAY OR NAY!! Play along!!

Release Date November 20

This does not look pleasant.
It does have star power with Roberts; Kidman; and Ejiofor. Still it looks slow and it looks like an episode CSI. NAY!!

Release Date January 15 2016

I thought the first Ride A Long was just okay and seemed contrived and the humor was forced a bit. This one looks like the plot is not believable. NAY!

Release Date December 11 2015

Why not just call it Moby Dick?
It looks like it was all filmed in front of a green screen.

Three Nay's this week.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Only one new release this week of note:

Directed by Elizabeth Banks
Screenplay by Kay Cannon and Mickey Rapkin
Starring Anna Kendrick; Rebel Wilson; Hailee Steinfeld; and Brittany Snow

After an embarrassing performance at the Lincoln Center, the Barden Bellas enter an International contest to save the future of the Bellas.

The first Pitch Perfect I think took the world by surprise. It was the little film that could, with great singing/music and strong character development. Can Pitch Perfect 2 live up to the first film? Well...it all depends what angle you look at it. Music? Plot? Comedy?
Let me start with the bad:
The plot line is terrible, so you have to go in and try not to dissect it too much. Basically they threw out a reason to make another film and this plot must have stuck to the wall, so they went with it. In fact there is a story line that follows Anna Kendrick away from the Bellas doing an internship that never really gets resolved....almost like it was filling up space. Another issue is the lip singing is really bad, to a point where I looked away from the screen it was so bad a couple times, I was embarrassed for the actors. In fact the music is not as good as it was in the first film, the music in this one seems overly produced. My last complaint is John Michael Higgins, who is back giving color commentary of the competitions, he is constantly throwing out jokes and every single one is falling flat, some were even offensive.
Now for the good! This film is pretty funny. They did a really good job by giving more screen time to Rebel Wilson, she is a very funny physical comedian. They added Keegan-Michael Kay and David Cross to the cast and they are very funny, as they always are, in their short time on the screen. Snoop Dog and The Green Bay Packers (yes you read that right) are also in the film and are also very funny. The wonderful chemistry of the Bellas/actresses (with an addition of the wonderful actress Hailee Steinfeld)  makes the film work as it did in the first film. There is one wonderful sweet scene where the Bellas go on a retreat and it is the highlight of the film. Even the music in this scene is much better and not overly produced. The strange thing is, it is a  movie about an acopella group and when they are on stage the movie seems to fall apart a bit.
I was ready to give this 4 stars but in the last competition something overly corny happens and it dropped to 3 1/2 out of 5. Much funnier than the first film but the music/lip singing drags it down. Still if you want to laugh a lot, see it and make sure you stay through the credits because there is a really funny scene!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Monday, September 21, 2015

MONDAY RECOMMENDED/REVISIT: 15 Years Ago Almost Famous!!

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Directed by Cameron Crowe
Screenplay by Cameron Crowe

A high-school boy, William (Or The Enemy) is given the chance to write a story for Rolling Stone Magazine about an up-and-coming rock band Sweetwater, as he accompanies it on their concert tour he learns a lot about Rock And Roll and life and love.

Okay, if you have not seen it, what are you waiting for????!!!!!
You want stars??
Here you go:
It is a Cameron Crowe film which should be enough!!

If it is a revisit for you, here are some fun facts:
-The film is director Cameron Crowe's semi-autobiographical account of life as a young Rolling Stone reporter. The actual group Crowe first toured with was The Allman Brothers Band. Gregg Allman distrusted him, and kept asking if he was a narc. Crowe was in a near-fatal plane crash while traveling with The Who. The character of Russell Hammond is based on Glenn Frey of Eagles. All these stories were part of the movie.

-Penny Lane asks William if he'd like to go to Morocco with her. He says, "Yes... ask me again." According to Cameron Crowe, "ask me again" was Patrick Fugit stepping out of character and asking Kate Hudson to repeat her lines for another take. Crowe liked the take as-is and kept it in the final cut.

-Stillwater's songs were written by Peter Frampton (who also had a small part in the film), Cameron Crowe, and his wife Nancy Wilson of the rock band Heart, a fact indicated early in the credits. The music acknowledgments credit Russell Hammond and Stillwater as if they were real authors and performers.

-There actually was a band called Stillwater in the 70s though the band depicted here is not them. They agreed to the use of their name after reading the script.

-The roles of Russell Hammond and Penny Lane were originally written for Brad Pitt and Sara Polley respectively. Polley dropped out to work on her own project, a low-budget Canadian movie. According to Crowe, Pitt worked with Crowe for months before finally admitting, "I just don't get it enough to do it." Kate Hudson was originally cast as William's sister.

- At the age of 18, director Cameron Crowe wrote the liner notes to the "Frampton Comes Alive!" album by rocker Peter Frampton. Frampton returns the favor here by acting as a music consultant for the film.

-Penny Lane dancing in the empty, debris-strewn Cleveland auditorium is Cameron Crowe's favorite scene in the movie (MINE ALSO AND THE TINY DANCER SCENE!!!!)

-When Frances McDormand's character reprimands Billy Crudup's character over the phone, Crudup was actually was on the other end of the line.

-At the end of the movie, when Russell is in William's bedroom, he stands in front of a poster of the Allman Brothers' "Live at the Fillmore East" album cover. A reference to the real band.

-Produced in 92 days

-Brittany Murphy, Mena Suvari, Anne Heche, Neve Campbell, Jenna Elfman, Bridget Moynahan, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Rose McGowan, Chloë Sevigny, and Rebecca Romijn auditioned for the role of Penny Lane.

-The scene where Russell gets electrocuted on stage is based on an incident where Kiss guitarist Ace Frehley was severely shocked on stage during a concert on Dec 12th, 1976 at the Lakeland Civic Center in Florida.

-The real life Lester Bangs died of a drug overdose at a fairly young age. Eerily, Philip Seymour Hoffman, who portrays him in this film, would later die of a drug overdose also.

Well there are your fun and not so fun facts!!

What I cannot figure is how Kate Hudson did not win Best Actress for this role!! Marcia Gay Harden for Pollock??!! Really?
Watch this and I rest my case. It is the perfect combination of Actress and Role. With some Mad Hatter thrown in:

ALMOST FAMOUS I give 4 1/2 out of 5 stars almost perfect (That Ending UGH!).
15 years ago this year!

Available for streaming and rental on Netflix.

I will leave you with the Tiny Dancer scene!!!! You Are Home!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


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Directed by Paul Weitz
Screenplay by Paul Weitz
Starring Lily Tomlin; Julia Garner; Marcia Gay Harden; Judy Greer; and Sam Elliot

Lily Tomlin stars as Elle who has just gotten through breaking up with her girlfriend (Greer) when Elle's granddaughter Sage (Julia Garner) unexpectedly shows up needing $600 bucks before sundown. Temporarily broke, Grandma Elle and Sage spend the day trying to get their hands on the cash as their unannounced visits to old friends and flames end up rattling memories and digging up secrets.

Coming in at just 79 minutes it is barely a feature film, it more like a long short film. Contrary to what the trailer wants you to believe this is not a comedy. This film is more of a road trip taking place over the time span of a day. It is a bit heavy but strangely enjoyable, maybe because I am a sucker for road trip films. It is Lily Tomlin's film as she throws her hat into a Best Actress Nomination with a field that is starting to get crowded. We follow as Sage does, learning about grandma, her regrets and her aspirations and her accomplishments. As they ride around we see a collection of fine actors including Elliot who for the second time this year (I'll See you in my dreams) pops into a film and you really want him to stay around longer.
As for Julia Garner. She is almost Pixyish and she plays the part well, almost knowing to step back and let Lily work. She brings a fragility to the film. Almost a feeling of someone drowning in life and reaching out to anyone for help. She is really good.
The screenplay, like I noted before, is heavy with little bits of humor thrown in. There is an umbrella of sadness that is hard to shake, whether you are pro or con it does not matter. The screenplay tries to soften it with showing Elle, after parting ways with her granddaughter, showing that she, herself, learned a lot during the day. She changed during the day like her granddaughter and daughter. Almost finding a purpose.

3 1/2 out of 5 stars for Grandma. A very short film.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

NEW FILM REVIEW: Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Image result for maze runner the scorch trials

Directed by Wes Ball
Screenplay by T.S. Nowlin
Based on the book by James Dashner
Starring: Dylan O'Brien; Ki Hong Lee; Kaya Scodelario; Dexter Dafdan; and Thomas Brodie Sangster

In this next chapter of the epic "Maze Runner", Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) and his fellow runners face another challenge: searching for clues about the mysterious and powerful organization known as WCKD. Their journey takes them to the Scorch, a desolate landscape filled with the smell of death. Teaming up with resistance fighters, the Gladers take on WCKD's vastly superior forces and uncover its shocking plans for them all. 

I was surprised by how much I liked The Maze Runner. I think it may be because of O'Brien. He is so damn likable. He has no special powers by creating fire or jumping and climbing off buildings, he is just a smart kid that happens to run fast. And yes there are a bunch of effects in each of these films but O'Brien makes it work.
They find out the Maze was just a test and now they must decide who is with them or against them. I love everyone of the characters including two new "Runners"  Jacob Lofland and Rosa Salazar. Also they added three great adult actors into the mix in Lili Taylor; Barry Pepper; and Giancarlo Esposito. Throw in the return of Patricia Clarkson who I still cannot decide whether she is good or bad, which adds more tension to the series.
As for the film and screenplay. It is a exciting yet violent film. Almost shockingly violent for a youth film with zombies (that really freaked me out) and many a bloody gun battle. The film was 2 hours and 20 minutes, maybe a little long but it kept me interested, again that goes back to the likability of O'Brien.
A negative would be what most of these adapted youth novels have a problem with. They do not have an ending with the second book or film. It shows maybe how great of a writer J.K. Rowling is because she was able to create a resolution or ending to all her books. In this film and Divergent and Hunger Games there really is not an ending in the second round, so comes across as a place holder without a defining ending. This is a problem we do not put money down for a film without an ending.
4 out of 5 stars for this exciting and well acted scary film.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.        

NEW FILM REVIEW!!! Black Mass!

Image result for black mass

Directed by Scott Cooper
Screenplay by Mark Mallouk and Jez Butterworth
Based on the book by Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neill
Starring Johnny Depp; Joel Edgerton; and Benedict Cumberbatch

John Connolly ( Edgerton) and James "Whitey" Bulger (Depp) grew up together on the streets of South Boston. Decades later, in the late 1970s, Connolly was a major figure within FBI's Boston office and Whitey had become head of the Irish Mob. What happened between them - being a one sided informant and the take down Boston's Italian Mafia would spiral out of control. All leading to murders, drug dealing, racketeering, and finally to Bulger and Connolly being brought down.

Johnny Depp is fantastic in this saying so much with a look and stare. However the movie is not about him. It is more about John Connolly played by Edgerton. He may even be better than Depp. We follow him as he gets deeper and deeper into the mob mess.
Surrounding these two main characters are a bunch of wonderful small performances. Dakota Johnson, is not in the film as much as the press releases would have you think, is very good as Whitey's wife. A fantastic performance by Julianne Nicholson as Connolly's wife that should be looked at during Oscar time. Come to think about it does she ever give a bad performance. She stole Osage County away from the bigger stars. Cumberbatch as Whitey's brother, like Depp, says so much without talking. He is stuck between being a good man and being a loyal brother to Whitey. And then there is Kevin Bacon as FBI Boston Office head who cannot seem to get anything on Whitey because Connolly continuously blocks the office.
All these fine performances are blocked by a cold...sterile screenplay. Yes Depp  drips of evil but we are really never allowed to see the "Whys and What" of his life. We constantly see the end product which is a sadistic killing. We rarely get his thoughts. So we are then left with a film that leaves us walking away thinking, well that was okay and interesting...and that is about it. We even have people like his wife who just disappear, we do not get below the surface of Whitey. Maybe they did not have that much info on Whitey, they only knew what he did.
3 1/2 out of  5 for this violent cold film. I would have started the film from his life out in California and how he lived out there then bring in flashbacks. It would have let us know more about him. More vested.

As always from the shadows as always thanks for your time.        

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


It is YAY OR NAY Trailers where I judge the film just by the trailer!! Play along!!

Release Date: November 27 2015

Coming out of the Toronto Film Festival....here is the buzz:
Redmayne could be a back to back Oscar winner for this performance. Which would be the first time since Tom Hanks.
Vikander is a lock for a nomination which should be best actress (I noted this over and over again this year!!! She is a major star in the making. Pat myself on the back!!).
However the critics are also saying the film is a bore.
I will go just from the trailer and I was really intrigued just because we have come a long way with acceptance however in 1920 it had to be shocking, it sounds interesting. So YAY!!

Release Date April 15

Boy this trailer did nothing for me. There is a lot of star power listed and Jon Favreau is directing.
Still it looks like all green screen work and that looks bad. NAY!!

Release Date October 2 2015

The buzz from Toronto Fest was this film is very good and Emily Blunt is amazing in it.
From the trailer ...it looks real intriguing. Today war has no borders and the "sides" become fuzzy. I really liked the trailer. YAY!!

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

New Releases This Week For Home Viewing!! Including Cinderella!!

We have three new releases this week of note for home viewing:


First let me get to Frozen Fever, the short before Cinderella.
Yes it seemed like a commercial, but it had a sweet message at the end and its harmless.
The little Snowgies are kind of cute. The music is just okay, not as memorable as the feature film.
It is a fun little watch.

Now to Cinderella 2015

Directed by Kenneth Branagh
Screenplay by Chris Weitz
Starring: Lily James; Cate Blanchett; Richard Madden; Helena Bonham Carter

We now come to Cinderella 2015....
I was intrigued because this movie was being directed by freaking Kenneth Branagh!!!
I can't say it enough. Everybody in this film is perfectly cast.
 Lily Collins as Cinderella...a star is born.
 Cate Blanchett as the evil stepmom.....if people can remember far back to March she could get an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress.
Bonham Carter, I can just imagine her reaction to that phone call. "You want me to play what? Have you seen my other movies?"
 Richard Madden as the Prince is perfectly played as a kind soul not pompous like we usually see in films with a Prince.
I will not insult you and go through the plot but I will tell you some differences between this version and the classic animated version:
The first half hour is heavy. It is Disney and people have to die. And boy they do. We have three in this film. Kinda heavy. And I also wish they would have some how highlighted the word "Evil" a little more when it came to the stepmother. I can imagine a stepmom watching this with her step daughter thinking "HEY"!!!!There are Carol Brady's out there dammit. They are all not evil..just saying stepmother with a disgusted look made me cringe a bit.
Ella meets the Prince for the first time in the woods before the Ball which is different. The meeting is kind of cute.
We also get some more backstory on the characters. And I really liked that. All the additions to the story are well done.
A quick note: costume designer Sandy Powell may have not only got a nomination here..she may have just won an Oscar .Moms get the dress now for Halloween!!!
In an age where girls are bombarded with Kardashians fighting on TV. And wives from East Coast to the West Coast throwing things at each other, this film is a must see for adults and children with a theme of kindness through out. And what Cinderella says to the Evil Stepmother at the very end, and I will not spoil it..is fantastic.
4 1/2 stars out of 5. The world can be cruel. It is up to you on how you approach it.

Directed by Bill Pohlad
Screenplay: Oren Moverman and Michael A Lerner
Story by Brian Wilson
Starring: John Cusack; Paul Dano; Paul Giamatti; and Elizabeth Banks

In the 1960s, Beach Boys leader Brian Wilson struggles with mental illness as he attempts to craft his music. In the 1980s, he is a broken  man, a shell of the brilliant man he once was while under the 24-hour watch of shady therapist Dr. Eugene Landy.

This is not a pleasant film to watch. It covers Brian's younger days in the 60's, played by Paul Dano, and his struggles with  mental and physical abusive from his dad. Later during that same time period we see his drug use and his slip into depression and leaning toward bi-polar disorder. In later years, Brian Wilson, being played by John Cusack, is a loner who is being kept on a high dose of multiple medications by a handler Dr Eugene Landy. We constantly switch back and forth between time periods, often very confusingly so, where we get involded into a very important issue in a certain time period and the film pulls us away to the other time period, and often not switch very smoothly. A little editing problem? Or odd decision by the director Pohlad? Who ever made the decisions it is a bit disruptive for the viewer.
 Like I noted, this is not a pleasant film to watch. We see a young man who seems brilliant but cant slow his brain down, and that same middle age man being abused by a Doctor.
After you read the above you are thinking "this is not what I want to see". No...it is a really good film. I had no idea Brian Wilson had these struggles. I found the film really interesting, from how Wilson created some great songs. To how Wilson was pretty much saved by his now wife Melinda Ledbetter (with help from a housekeeper), played marvelously by Banks. It is a really interesting movie with fantastic performances. They turned me around and made me care!!

4 out of 5 stars for Love And Mercy. Well done film touching on mental illness, I thought while watching this, that I wish Michael Jackson had a Melinda Ledbetter in his life, maybe things would have turned out different for him.

Directed by James Wan
Screnplay by Chris Morgan and Scott Thompson
Starring the Furious 7 of course

Deckard Shaw (Statham) seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto (Diesel) and his family for his comatose brother.

Okay it was a huuuge hit. However to me it was just the same thing.
They brilliantly used the death of Paul Walker to promote the film. Brilliant, but I thought it was  little creepy, knowing he died speeding in a car. So they pulled at our heart strings and it worked.
Stll....in the beginning weren't these 7 bad guys/girls bad??!!
You go to this film looking for action, with cars racing, even jumping through buildings and some plot and in that respect it worked....3 out of 5 stars for the Furious 7...I know a lot of people liked it but to me...it is getting old and by the way the actors are kind of getting a little old to be doing or acting this way.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday Recommended: MY WEEK WITH MARILYN

Image result for my week with marilyn
Mondays I try to find a film to recommend that may have passed you by. This week I recommend:

Directed by Simon Curtis
Screenplay by Adrian Hodges
Based on the book by Colin Clark
Starring Michelle Williams; Eddie Redmayne; and Kenneth Branagh

Sir Laurence Olivier (Branagh) is making a movie in London. When film star Marilyn Monroe (Williams) arrives for the start of shooting, all of London is excited to see the blonde bombshell, while Olivier is struggling to meet her many demands and deal with her flightiness. Colin Clarke (Redmayne), an assistant to Oliver, is intrigued by her. Then things change for Colin when Marilyn invites him into her inner world.

This film is quietly good, and I think it is mainly because of the three main actors.
Michelle Williams, who really does not take on too many roles these days, just convinces you she is Marilyn. From the smile, to the sadness, to sexiness, she becomes Marilyn.
Redmayne as Clarke, becomes us and maybe would react like us. We see Marilyn through his eyes. We understand his concerns, his crush, and his nervousness.
Branagh, who directs these days more than acts, is hilarious as Olivier as he gets more and more frustrated with the demands of his star. You feel for him.
They play off each other real well and as we watch there is almost a feeling of sadness for we know what is to come in Marilyn's life. However here, in this film, through Clarke's eyes we see a bit behind the Marilyn mystique. There is one moment when she asks Clarke should she turn on the Marilyn glow, and as quick as a snap of the finger you watch her change for the press. We see her almost enjoying her power, enjoying life.
4 out of 5 stars for this well acted, and interesting small film which is available for streaming and rental on Netflix.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

NEW FILM REVIEW: The Perfect Guy!!

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Directed by David Rosenthal
Screenplay by Tyger Williams
Starring Sanaa Lathan; Michael Ealy; Morris Chestnut

After breaking up with her boyfriend (Chestnut), a professional woman (Lathan) gets involved with a man (Ealy) who seems almost too good to be true.

Okay he is too good to be true , you can see that from the trailer.
Let me got the positive out of the way: I felt all the characters never acted like idiots, which you get often in these types of films. You end up hollering at the screen when the woman decides to take psycho boyfriend back. Here Lathan's character, Leah, shuts the door when Ealy's character, Carter, shows violence. I like that during the movie Lathan mostly does everything smart.
However there are many a problem with this film:
Ealy. I thought it was interesting that they cast him in this role. He is known throughout Hollywood as one of the nicest guys, so the casting of him against type makes it believable that she would get sucked into his charm. However, when Carter, Ealy's character, becomes stalkerish, and puts on a menacing face, it looked like he was trying too hard. I laughed often at this weird menacing look with his head down and his eyes looking up. At one point the Inspector Renkin (played wonderfully by John Getz) said that Carter is just like a robot. I wanted to stand up and say: "Yes he played one in the TV show Almost Human and he was great"! Ealy was just miscast here. That is not saying he is a bad actor in fact I think he is a really good actor, I mean Streep was miscast this summer in Riki And The Flash. It happens.
So okay what we are left with?  After that fight scene, which we see in the trailer, we get...Ealy watching...Lathan going through her day to day life while looking scared. Ealy watching...Lathan living her life. Then there is that big finale we know was coming, but it feels like it has been done before. All this just makes it an okay movie.
A couple last notes: Morris Chestnut is on the poster but is barely in the film which is wrong. Plus the biggest sin is you have one of the greatest actors of all time in Charles S Dutton in this movie and only use him for 5 minutes!!!! You have Charles S Dutton!!! You do some rewrites to get him in the movie more!!!
2 1/2 stars out of 5. Right down the middle. I think it would be a fun film to watch when it is available for home viewing but on the big screen...you have seen this film before.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

NEW FILM REVIEW: Learning To Drive!!

Image result for learning to drive movie
Directed by Isabel Coixet
Screenplay by Sarah Kernochan
Starring Sir Ben Kingsley and Patricia Clarkson

Wendy (Patrician Clarkson), a New York book critic, is shocked by the sudden end of her marriage. Always dependent on her husband for driving, she must now learn to take the wheel on her own. Her instructor Darwan (Ben Kingsley) is a Sikh Indian who watches with alarm as his pupil falls apart at the seams. He himself is contemplating an arranged marriage with a woman he has never met. As these two lives intersect, they learn a lot from each other.

Right away I have to say the trailer is awful. It is nothing like the film! It is not a comedy! It is a drama! Yes it does throw in humor here and there (including a hilarious sex scene), but it is more of a drama.
I also have to say this film is one of the best this year so far. Hello fall movie season!!
This film is very heavy at first. Then as the film drives on (see what I did there?) it gets lighter and lighter as each of the main characters start to find their way.
I cannot think of a film that Clarkson has been in that she has done a poor job. She is soooo underrated as an actress. Here she may have given her best performance since The Station Agent or maybe Pieces Of April. In fact if you compare her performance here to those two films she again is playing a person trying to fight her way through life and come out on the other side. Also, it is important to note she has great chemistry with Kingsly, which makes the film really work.
Kingsley without a doubt his best performance since Sexy Beast. You really believe he is Sikh Indian and plays the part so soft and calm. You fall in love with him as we learn more about his culture.
Directed by Isabel Coixet, and to be honest, I really did not like any of her past films, maybe Paris Je T'Aime was okay, but here she pulled back her reigns and scored in this short 90 minute film. Also the screenwriter should get a lot of credit because it is a "Talky", and Kernochan has you as the viewer hanging on every word.
4 1/2 out of 5 stars for Learning To Drive. More than just learning to drive, learning to push forward, with belief, some tears, and some laughter.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

NEW FILM REVIEW: Slow Learners!!

Image result for slow learners movie

Directed by Don Argott and Sheena M Joyce
Screenplay by Matt Serword
Starring Adam Palley and Sarah Burns

Jeff  (Palley) and Anne (Burns), two close friends who work together in a high school, are embarrassingly unlucky at love. They hatch a plan to transform themselves over the course of a sex-and-alcohol-fueled summer.

I was soooooo excited to see this film. It was filmed in Media PA...the town in which I live!! I love the look of this town and in this film it looks gorgeous and I am happy that people from all over can see this beautiful town.
As for the film? It is a modern day When Harry Met Sally. Just not as good. You see what is coming a mile away and to be honest, that is okay. Sometimes getting to that end can be a blast, and in this film it was a blast that died slowly.
First the positive:
The acting. Everybody from the leads to the many character actors is spot on. Again the look of my town gorgeous, especially one shot at night at a place called Veterans Square.
Then the negatives. The screenplay, it started out strong, and it died quickly. There are many funny scenes (especially a couple hilarious table scenes), and then it grew monotonous and the main characters became unlikable. I knew where it was going, but it became tedious and for a 96 minute movie it seemed very long. The screenwriters had a good idea and did not know how to keep  pushing it forward. It just died.
3 stars out of 5 for Slow Learners. A little better than average. Or maybe I have my hometown blinders on. Anyway might be worth a look as a matinee or home viewing.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Shadow's Summer 2015 Film Awards: Best And Worst

The summer 2015 movie season is over so lets look back and I will show you my winners and losers.
I will just be dealing with films released Memorial Day, the unofficial beginning of summer, all the way to Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer.

In no particular order:

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I do not want to beat a dead horse here. Just look back at the review I did in June and my Half The Year Review in July. It is that good. Available for home viewing November 3rd.

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Maybe the funniest film of the year and maybe the most inappropriate at the same time. Almost a perfect comedy...it just died in the last 15 minutes. Trainwreck is available for home viewing November 10th.

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It is one of those films that resonates with you well after you leave the theatre. See My review in August....it is heavy with some nice soft moments and laughs. Still out in theatres but will be available November 3rd for home viewing.


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I know, I am beating a dead horse. Just look back at my review in May and my six month review in July. I detest this movie.

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I did not review this film on the blog. It was maybe the playdate from hell...that goes overnight. Very uncomfortable to watch. I still do not get the point.

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Look for my review in August. This was uncomfortably bad. And amazingly worse than Tomorrowland.

Jason Segel
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He is just amazing here as David Foster Wallace. His mannerisms are of a person who sees everything but does not want to see everything. He wants to be a great writer but it scares him. Just a wonderful performance. The End Of The Tour is still out in theatres but will be available November 3rd for home viewing.

Alicia Vikander
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She is having a heck of a year!! This does not even count Ex-Machina....which was released in the spring and it does not count what is to come, Burnt and The Danish Girl. But!!! Here, as Vera Brittain she is in every scene and just shines at being tough and vulnerable. And by the way she stole, the just okay, film Man From U.N.C.L.E....from the two leads. Testament Of Youth is available for home viewing October 20th.

Olivia Cooke
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 In a limited role she is sooooo good. I wanted her on the screen more! She is vulnerable and strong at the same time as Rachel, the dying girl. Just loved her in this role. Me And Earl is available for home viewing October 6.

Jesse Eisenberg

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Jesse plays David Lipsky the Rolling Stone reporter who follows Wallace around at the end of the book tour. With all the praise out there for Segel..do not forget Eisenberg. Perfectly cast as a nervous young reporter, he steps real cautiously around the author, and becomes us. We almost see Wallace through his eyes. The End of The Tour is still out in theatres but will be available November 3rd for home viewing.

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This will be a hard film to beat at Oscar time. It is laced with sadness. It is a film that is hard to turn away from. It is amazing that it seems that she was always being filmed. With the most interesting parts being when she does not know she is on film...you can almost see through her and feel her pain and confusion. Word is it will be rereleased in January.

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I was thinking maybe The Gift or maybe ANTMAN but this was a big surprise for a couple reasons.
It is a long running series with a very controversial star and somehow this film seemed very fresh. Well written. Cruise steps aside here and lets his costars shine which helped make it seem fresh. Also humor...more funny moments in this film then in all the other MI films combined. I think that was important when there is two hours of action, humor helps the audience with relief of tension. It all just works. MI Rogue Nation is still out in theatres.

Rebecca Ferguson
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Thomas Mann and RJ Syler in Me And Earl
Raffey Cassidy in Tomorrowland
Lola Kirke in Mistress America
Shameik Moore in Dope
All good performances but I had to go with Rebecca Ferguson in MI Rogue nation as Isla Faust. She went toe to toe with the biggest star in the world and had the press and Hollywood wondering who she was! She came out of this film with people hoping she would be in the next MI film. Smart; soft; and a bad ass. MI Rogue Nation is still available in Theatres.

American Ultra
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It slipped in at the end of the year and took the violence award from Jurassic World.
Blood and bullets and bombs everywhere. The blood was a mess and so was the film.

Chris Pratt

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He was loved last summer for his role in the (I think over rated} Guardians Of The Galaxy. This year  he backs up last summer with Jurassic World. Women love him because he is...well Chris Pratt. Men love him for his humor and kick ass heroism. He does a very good job coming across as the everyman. He is the biggest star of the summer again...and this time in the biggest film of the summer. Jurassic World is available for home viewing October 20th.

Okay there are my awards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring on the fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As always from the shadows thanks for your time!!

My Top 5 Films (And Recommended) Of 2024 At Six Months

Top 5 films that I have seen in the first 6 months of the year and maybe a book and album recommendation!!! Well let me get started...in no ...