Monday, August 31, 2015

New Film Review: Diary Of A Teenage Girl

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Directed by Marielle Heller
Screenplay by Marielle Heller
Based On The Book by Phoebe Bloeckner
Starring: Bel Powley; Kristen Wiig: Alexander Skarsgard

A teen (Powley) artist living in 1970s San Francisco enters into an affair with her mother's (Wiig) boyfriend (Skarsgard).

The acting in this film is fantastic. The SAG awards give out awards for best acting by a group and this may be a frontrunner.
Powley, whom I have never seen before, is in every scene and is incredible. She is 23 years old and is playing a 15 year old and it worked!!!
Wiig in her second drama this year (Welcome To Me), is so spot on as the mother who is just not there mentally for her child.
Skarsgard, whom I have not seen on the big screen before, here with a cheesy 70's mustache, just drips sleeze.
The film looks real good. It has a fade to it, like it is a 70's film, which I kind of liked.

As for the film itself? It is a tough watch. The subject matter is something that is not fun to sit through. This book has been floating around Hollywood for years. It is just a hard subject matter. You have a 15 year old young lady, Minnie, having sex over and over with an adult. You have a mom doing drugs in front other kids. You have an even younger daughter just being ignored. Then as the film goes on you have a 15 year old drinking alcohol and doing drugs. It is uncomfortable to watch.
As we get deeper into the second half we get to see Minnie start to draw and she sees she is more than what she thinks she is. However it is a uncomfortable wait to get to that point.

The trailer tries to make this film funny and quirky, and I understand this, you have to sell tickets.
Still, it is not funny or quirky, and just a little better than okay, mainly because of the great
 performances but....still uncomfortable. 3 1/2 out of 5stars.

Sorry for no recommended this Monday. Changing things up the next couple weeks for the holiday and then will get back on track late next week with the usual Blog schedule.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

New Film Review: NO ESCAPE

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Directed by John Erick Dowdle
Screenplay by John Erick Dowdle and Drew Dowdle
Starring: Owen Wilson; Lake Bell; and Pierce Brosnan

In their new overseas home, an American couple (Bell and Wilson) soon finds themselves and daughters caught in the middle of a coup, and they frantically look for a safe escape in an environment where foreigners are being immediately executed.

First I will get this out of the way!! I read in a couple of reviews out there that this film is racist!! What? It makes me sad when the PC police reach into entertainment and make remarks that are untrue to fill their agenda. This is a story of a family...outside of their element..trying to escape and get the heck out. It has been criticized because it only shows the struggle of this white family...not the  people living there in their native country!! Well!!!!! That is not what this film is about!!!!!!!! If you want to make a film about what countrymen or women do when there is a coup...well make it. Oh wait a minute Hotel Rwanda showed both sides and how it is ugly. Here you just see a little bit of the slaughter of the locals caused by the uprising. And ...that is enough for me. The PC police made the same remarks about the great film The Impossible. Again if you want to make a film about the locals and the tsunami and the rebuild...go for it. However that film was about a family and their true story of escape (In fact that story showed the kindness of the locals). The odd thing about what the PC police wanted in this was a film about locals hiding. They don't plan on running away to their country because they are living there!!!! So you want a hiding movie...sounds exciting...not.

Now to this film. It is an okay movie.
Wilson is very good playing the brave man. Bell, one of the most underrated actresses working today (and a very good writer), is perfect as the mother who really did no want any parts of this move.
The movie is exciting from the get go I mean they check in and crap hits the fan!! The film wastes no time.
The negatives:
Pierce Bronson is really good here and funny. However the trailer is deceiving and so are the posters. Bronson is only in the film for 10 minutes!! When he is not on the screen you miss him because his character brings personality to the film.
The couple's children may be the most annoying children in film this year. I will not say more because it would be mean but ....ugh!!
The film become almost tedious. It is dark so you can't really see the difference of where they move from point to point, and after awhile it gets boring, and you just want them to make a big move and go and end the film. The 103 minutes film felt real long.
 And finally!! The director/screenwriter never telling us where they are!! What country?? PC again??
3 stars for this film which would be an exciting film to watch at home but...maybe not worth a trip to the theatre for.

Sorry for no recommended this Monday. Changing things up the next couple weeks for the holiday and then will get back on track late next week with the usual Blog schedule.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


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Directed by M Night Shyamalan
Screenplay by M Night Shyamalan
Starring: Kathryn Hahn; Olivia Dejonge, Ed Oxenbold; Deanna Dunagun, and Peter McRobbie

A single mother sends her children to Pennsylvania to visit their grandparents. Then things go ....strange.

This is an early review. The film comes out September 11th. Thank you to Universal Studios for supplying me with a pass to see a screening of The Visit!!

This film does not work without fantastic performances:

Dunagun and McRobbie as the confused and odd grandparents. Fantastically strange.
Olivia DeJonge and Ed Oxenbold as the brother and sister who come for their first visit to meet their grandparents. They are a brother and sister who get along real well, which is rare in cinema, directors and screenwriters always seem to want brothers and sisters to clash. This was refreshing. In fact the film is seen through DeJonge's camera lens. She sees herself as a future director. She uses this visit to record and narrate and do interviews trying to find out more about her family history (of course families always have secrets). I found this reason to always be filming to be believable. Also, they are good kids, even though their grandparents are acting real odd, they still show respect to them and try to be patient.
M.Night's best picture in years!! The trailer is deceiving. The trailer comes across as a horror film, it is more of a mystery suspense film (I fear people will think it is a horror film and feel they have seen this before and not go). What works here, as noted before, the acting, and the slow build of suspense in this isolated house. This film is also layered with a lot of humor which has not been seen in many of his past films (He lightened up a bit), highlighted by Oxenbold's character, he is hilarious.
Now the film rolls along nicely until that twist. Then these kids start doing stupid things that drive you nuts. Like even doing nothing. At that point the film dropped a couple notches.

4 out of 5 stars for this fun...odd film. Yes there are some holes in the plot but you can see past them. DO NOT READ OTHER REVIEWS BECAUSE THEY MAY HAVE SPOILERS!! Plus, like I always say..critics are sheep and beating up M Night is a common thing to do. Do not read those critics...this film is scary fun At 93 minutes it is a nice surprise and does not overstay it's welcome. It is interesting that M.Night used his own money to produce this and took 2 weeks to edit the film by himself. He was not going to let anybody else get their hands on it.

I saved this note for after the review. It involves the actress Kathryn Hahn.
There are working actresses out there who pop into a film. They do small roles and disappear (Joan Cusack comes to mind). Rarely are they in the lead but in the shadows. Hahn is popping up more and more and she continues to show she is a great actress and, like in this film, her character resonates with us long after the film is over. Lately she is breaking away from her comedic side and she has been doing dramas like The D Train; This Is Where I Leave You; Afternoon Delight and the TV Show Girls.  I wanted to just throw out my appreciation for Kathryn Hahn. Love Her!! I hope you do to.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It Is Wednesday With Yay Or Nay Trailers!!

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!! 
Release Date: September 9

Well that was not a very good trailer. Depressing that is for sure. It gave us no inkling about the plot. It looks like Richard Gere is giving a good performance. However...there is not much there. A waste of a trailer. NAY!!

Release Date September 2

 Robert Redford...Nick Nolte...Emma Thompson..I am in!!!!!!!
And the trailer sold it well. YAY!!!

Release Date September 11

I have mixed feelings. Lathan and Ealy are both very good actors. However it seems Ely is overacting big time. Also, from watching the trailer I have seen this film many times before. Still....I have a strong feeling this film is going to be a sleeper hit. It is an early September dump film that teenagers will go to see. For me NAY!!

Well from the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

New Release on DVD/Blu-Ray/Streaming This Week: Including Aloha and Citizenfour

There are three releases of note this week for home viewing:

Directed by Cameron Crowe
Screenplay by Cameron Crowe
Starring: Bradley Cooper; Rachel McAdams; Emma Stone; Bill Murray; and John Krasinski

 A military contractor (Cooper) returns to the site of his greatest career triumphs and re-connects with a long-ago love (McAdams) while unexpectedly falling for the watchdog (Stone) assigned to him. However this time he is working as a subcontractor, not for the military.

Cameron Crowe returns!! Again spotlighting on someone facing life changing decisions having to decide which door to walk through. Very much like Jerry McGuire and Elizabethtown (Which I think is underrated). He also, as always, brings his music with him. This time he uses it almost constantly, almost knowing he was fighting a tone in the film, so he needed the music to manipulate the tone a bit.
I see two big problems with the film:
1-Too much is going on. Bill Murray and his wealth and contracts. Cooper with his ex and his watchdog and the locals. Krazinski is suppose to be McAdams will she go back to her ex or stay with her husband. Stone the supporter for the Hawaiian people and her stripes. A mystery daughter. A satellite battle that made no sense. Throw in the spiritual theme. It is just so much the film cannot find its tone.
2-Cooper; Murray; McAdams; Krazinski; Baldwin are all not likeable!! So it is hard to connect or care about them. In fact I think we are suppose to care about Cooper's character, and I just found him to be a jerk.

Notice I left Stone's character off that list. In the trailer she seems miscast but not true. In fact I think she shines!! She owns this film. There is one scene where she is dancing with Bill Murray and it is magic. She is really good in this film. I saw one reviewer criticize her being a pilot!! What???!! You don't think a young lady at 27, that is her age, and at 5'6 cannot fly for the Air Force???!! Sexist much??!!

3 out of 5 stars for Aloha. Sadly just better than average. Kind of disappointing because Crow does not make too many films. It has its moments...most of the time when Stone is in the picture. So it is definitely worth a watch now that it is available for home viewing.
Oh and one last thing. A professor in Hawaii criticized this movie for it being insulting to the people of Hawaii. He sure did not see the movie. If anything this film shows nothing but respect to the fact it puts down the main landers. And criticizing Stone unfairly for being Hawaiian.
Again...not fair!! In the film it is a running joke, she keeps saying she is a little bit Hawaiian. People kind of laugh at her. It is a small joke in the film, and obviously people who did not actually see it pounced on her for playing a Hawaiian.

Directed by Jean Pierre Dardenne and Luc Dardenne
Screenplay by Jean Pierre Dardenne and Luc Dardenne
Starring Marion Cotillard

Sandra (Cotillard), a young Belgian mother, discovers that her workmates have opted for a significant pay bonus, in exchange for her dismissal. She has only one weekend to convince her colleagues to give up their bonuses so that she can keep her job.

This is an intense film. Cotillard is such a good actress you feel her stress!! The problem is the film goes no where. It seems to just lay there in its own anxiety. You see her coworkers during the two days and one night give Sandra reasons, and many very good reasons, on why they need to take the bonus. We also see some coworkers tell her, very kindly I feel, that they will vote to refuse the bonus so she can keep her job. Sadly even at the end of the film, the drama seems to just
3 stars out of 4 for the Oscar nominated performance by Cotillard. It is an interesting watch just because you are constantly asking yourself....would I give up my bonus???!!

Directed by Laura Poitras

A documentarian and a reporter travel to Hong Kong for the first of many meetings with Edward Snowden.

Citizenfour hits all the marks of a good documentary: it is topical, relevant, well organized and thought provoking. It is quietly dramatic and not overblown. In fact Snowden comes across as a quiet soul. Rightfully very nervous and rightfully he does not trust anyone. I will stay away from politics here and just say, I think the film does a very good job at laying everything out on the table, I also think, he is right, and also wrong. I think one of the problems right now in our country is that everything has to be right or wrong. Black or white. There cannot be a between. Well here he is right and wrong. I think Snowden made people realize that our info in the cloud is open for hackers to see. At the same in America how far do you go to prove a point?! Does that mean giving out government classified info???!! At which point do you become a traitor by showing the world American secrets?!

Citizenfour is a well done Oscar winning documentary. 4 out of 5 stars.

From the shadows s always thanks for your time.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Recommended: September Issue

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Each Monday I try to recommend a film that may have passed you by. This week:
Directed by R.J. Cutler

A documentary chronicling Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour's preparations for the 2007 fall-fashion issue.

Yes it is dated least the fashion is. Still it is just a fun watch. Even though you may not be into fashion it is just fascinating as you watch this popular issue get put together.
Of course the star is Anna Wintour, whom rumor has it, was the model for the film The Devil Wears Prada. She can shut you down with just a look. It is almost fun to watch.
However!! Her Creative Director Grace Coddington almost steals the documentary. She brings some levity to the situation and some calm into the fire.
Yes, again it is a little dated, still just fascinating.
4 1/2 out of 5 stars for this well done documentary!! While watching ask yourself this interesting question: If Anna Wintour was a man would it be such a big deal if that man acted or already acts like this in the workplace? Move it to the top of your Queue!!!

As always thanks for your time from the shadows.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Film Review: American Ultra

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Directed by Nima Nourizadeh
Screenplay by Max Landis
Starring Jesse Eisenberg; Kristen Stewart; Connie Britton; and Topher Grace
A stoner, Mike, (Eisenberg) who works at a convenience store, comes to finds he is also a goverment agent. He also finds out he is marked as a liability. So Mike and his girlfriend, Phoebe (Stewart), together, they try to find a way out of this confusing mess.

It is that time of year. It starts in August and runs a couple weeks into September, then it pops its head back up in January!! It is movie dump time!! Where studios have movies on their plate that they do not have much confidence in, so they bring them out during these dump periods where movie going is lite. In August into September moviegoers are summer "blockbustered" out and prefer to stay outside and enjoy the last weeks of the summer. In January....again moviegoers are "blockbustered"
out after Christmas. Studios hope, with competition being low, they can try to at least recoup some of the money from that particular film. Sometimes.....they can get lucky and find a Guardians Of The Galaxy (which I liked but thought it was overrated) and hit pay dirt.
Well here comes American Ultra!! is not the next Guardians...and it is not a very good film.
Many problems with this film and it starts with the trailer. All the funny parts that are in the trailer are the only funny parts in the film. In fact the film has a bit of sadness to it, when we see the way Eisenberg's character fights anxiety attacks and is manipulated by the government. The trailer does not show the violence in the film. Without a doubt the most violent film this summer. The strange thing is the violence is toward soldiers that are not bad guys but just doing what they are asked and trained to do, so then you end up feeling bad for them also.
Screenplay. You get the feeling by watching this that they had maybe the first 15 minutes on paper and just made the rest up as they went on. The film just seems messy with revelations that make no sense and, most important, I have no idea still why they wanted Eisenberg's character eliminated.
Casting. Topher Grace's was not believable at all. It almost became silly and annoying. Connie Britton's character was not fleshed out at all. She was just there as almost a mouthpiece. So her talents are wasted.
What worked? The chemistry between Eisenberg and Stewart was fantastic and lovely. However even there, they separated about 45 minutes into the film and at that point the film swirls further down into the toilet.
2 out of 5 stars for this disappointment. After watching the trailer I expected it to be much better,

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

It Is Wednesday With Yay Or Nay Trailers!! HATEFUL EIGHT!!!!

Well there were no new releases to note of yesterday so I gave myself the day off...I know you were worried...settle down.

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!! 

Release Date December 25th

Merry Christmas here is some Tarantino for you!!!
YAY!! I mean look at it!! It just looks great and it feels like a western. Again YAY!!

2015 Release

I am a huuuuuge Russell Crowe fan. Boy this looks depressing. It does not make me want to go out and see this so ...NAY!!

Release Date December 25

Well...Merry Christmas again!!! I like Dicaprio. I love Tom Hardy. However Inarritu...ugh! He did great with Birdman, but he seems to never know how to close a film. He gets to artsy and the critics fall for it. The title is awful by the way think horror film right away.
Still judging by the trailer it looks exciting...the director will depress us at the end...slight YAY!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday Recommended: The Way Way Back

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Each week I try to recommend a film that may have passed you by. This week:

Direction and Screenplay by Nat Faxon and Jim Rash
Starring:  Liam James; Sam Rockwell; Steve Carell; Toni Collette; Allison Janney; Annasophia Robb; Maya Rudolph; Robb Corddry; and Amanda Peet.

Shy 14-year-old Duncan (James) goes on summer vacation with his mother (Collett), her overbearing boyfriend (Carell), and her boyfriend's daughter. Having a rough time fitting in, Duncan finds an unexpected friend in Owen (Rockwell), manager of the Water Wizz water park.
Just well acted. It is a interesting film as we watch awkward Duncan played wonderfully...well...awkward by Liam James. Sam Rockwell playing against type where he is usually the crazy bad guy here he is kind and sort of Bill Murrayish (In fact the film may bring you back to Meatballs). Steve Carell playing ...pretty much a bully. Toni Collette as Duncan's mom wants love sooo much she ignores what is obviously going on in front of her.
The film sounds heavy...but it has many funny scenes and lines by Rockwell and also Writer/Director Jim Rash who plays one of the water park workers.
Throw in many fantastic costarring roles, highlighted by Maya Rudolph (as always); Annasophia Robb who gives a sweet performance as Duncans slow building love interest; and Allison Janney as the inappropriate mom next door who love a good drink.
The Way Way Back, named after where Duncan sits in the station wagon, does a wonderful job of capturing place and time. Faults? an abrupt ending and a corny ending at the park...but still it 4 out of 5 stars from me. Move it to the top of the queue!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Friday, August 14, 2015

New Film Review: Phoenix

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Directed and Screenplay by Christian Petzold
Starring Nina Hoss and Ronald Zehrfeld

After a reconstructive facial operation, concentration-camp survivor Nelly Lenz (Hoss)tracks down her husband, Johnny (Zehrfeld), who believes she's dead. Unrecognizable to Johnny, Nelly befriends him to find out whether he betrayed her to the Nazis.
This is going to be a short review. 
It is a hard review to do because I do not want to give up any spoilers.
What I can say is this:
Fine performances by both Hoss and Zehrfeld.
The film has been very popular overseas as it is billed as being very "Hitchcock Like". I did not see that. I just felt it was very intense and nothing surprising happening in my eyes. People on message boards are talking about what happens at the end and who knew what. Me I just ...well I cannot say.
When it comes out for home viewing it will be worth a look see 3 1/2 out of 5 stars.

From the shadows thanks for your time as always.

New Film Review: The End Of The Tour

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Directed by James Ponsoldt
Screenplay by Donald Margulies
Based on the book by David Lipsky
Starring Jason Segel and Jesse Eisenberg

The true story of a five day road trip following David Wallace  (Segel) and Rolling Stone writer David Lipsky (Eisenberg) as Wallace finishes up his book tour for his 1000+ page novel Infinite Jest.

I love a good road trip movie. This one is really good. In fact it may be the one of best films of the year.
It does not touch on the life of Wallace but it touches on the relationship and conversation between the two writers.
Segel as Wallace, gives an Oscar worthy performance, is so relaxed and at the same time nervous. He has awful social skills and is more relaxed and relates with his dogs than with most people. He says so much with his ticks and stares and when he talks he sucks you into every word. Often you wonder who is interviewing who on the road trip because he asks as many questions as Lipsky.
Eisenberg is also wonderful, stepping back just enough to let Segel command the screen.
The film captures a moment in time, watching Wallace, who is aware of all going on around him ( a great speech about TV screens is almost seeing into the future). He is kind but not a pushover. He does not lecture he just suggests and he is almost embarrassed by the attention and at the same time a little proud. Still, after all the success ogf this book, which he seems to not understand, he still fights with depression, he talks about his depression history in one heart breaking scene. It is so honest and raw.
At the end we realize for Lipsky it was more than an interview on a road trip. As Wallace says at one point "This is nice". It may have started out as just an interview but looking back I think he sees, it was two friends enjoying, laughing, arguing during a moment of time that was captured on tape.

The film is so different, so interesting, so relaxed, and so sad. 4 1/2 out of 5 stars for The End Of The Tour. Find it and see it!! Stay during the credits.

From The Shadows as always thanks for your time.

Film Review: The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

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Directed by Guy Ritchie
Screenplay by Guy Ritchie and Lionel Wigram
Based on the series by Sam Wolfe
Starring Henry Cavill; Armie Hammer; and Alicia Vikander

In the 1960's, CIA agent Napoleon Solo (Cavill) must team up with KGB agent Illya Kuryakin (Hammer) to battle a secret operative that plans on building a nuclear weapon.

It is the year of Alicia Vikander!! Testament Of Youth!! Ex Machina!! Now she slips into this film and steals it. The film is just okay. It is pretty much spy vs spy, which we just saw, and done much better in MI Rogue Nation. This is charming but just lays there. The two leads have no chemistry and it is odd because when they are without each other it works.
It takes place in the 60's so the old school spy tools are fun. The outfits are fun. The music is cool (One funny and fun scene of Vikander dancing alone). Still, the screenplay is just flat and when Vikander is not on screen it is less interesting not only because of looks, but because even though the two leads are "super" spies, Vikander seems smarter than both of them and that is fun to watch.
I have a feeling this film will not do well in the states, especially with MI Rogue Nation still out there, I think it will do better in Europe because of the two leads. Just my feeling. 3 stars out of 5 for The Man From U.N.C.L.E.. I think it can wait for home viewing.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

New Film Review: Straight Outta Compton

Image result for straight outta compton

Directed by F Gary Gary
Screenplay by Jonathon Herman and Andrea Berloff
Starring: O Shea Jackson Jr; Corey Hawkins; Jason Mitchell; Neil Brown Jr; Aldis Hodge and Paul Giamatti

The rap group NWA rises from the shadows in Compton to be maybe the most influential rap group (Or Run DMC) in history.

Let me it over.....wait...yes it is over.
Straight Outta Compton has been in  development hell for a decades, maybe longer ,and now it has finally hit the big screen.
It has a really good first act highlighted by a fantastic performance by Jackson jr. playing Ice Cube. He has the mannerisms down (it helps that he is Ice Cubes son).
The first half is fun to watch these friends and kinda acquaintances get together and write about what they see and feel about life in Compton. They have fantastic instincts on how to put a beat to it and sell it. It is fun to watch.
The second half is when it starts to a lot of success stories women/or men/hanging "oners" get in the way. Then as often happens money changes people. Paul Giamatti shows up with a ridiculous hair piece that is distracting and the movie slows down and just will not push forward. The movie clocks in at 2 hours and 25 minutes!!! It just needed more editing.
NWA changed music and it is an interesting story, I almost want to tell people to just watch 2 hours and then you are okay to go.
What should have been left on the floor? A little less Giamatti. I like watching the development of the music, however to hear it live in other factions could have been left out because you know what it sounds like. In other words something had to be left out, and the story is interesting so maybe some music has to go to speed the film up. Maybe that is why it has been in development hell all these years. They maybe had trouble telling the story, within the framework of the music.

3 1/2 stars out of 5 for a really good bio from game changers however the story dragged in the second half.

From the always thanks for your time.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

It's Wednesday...And It's YAY Or NAY Trailers! With Pitt/Jolie and About Ray

Each Wednesday I pick out three trailers and judge the film just by watching the trailers Yay Or Nay!! Play along!! 

Release Date September 18 2015

Well, if your read my review Monday I did note....WAIT UNTIL WEDNESDAY. And here it is!
I read awhile back that Elle was going to tackle this role. I thought at the time....I cannot see it. Well it looks promising. She looks the part. However it seems like a really heavy subject taking it from the angle of the families point of view. Just by the trailer....a slight YAY. They tried really hard to add some humor into the trailer and it did not work which makes me worry.

Release Date November 15

WHAT THE.......!!!!!!!!
What a terrible trailer.
Looks depressing!!
And it looks like they are just selling Pitt and Jolie...not the story.

Release Date August 21

This looks funny. I like Brosnan, I think he is underrated and since his Bond days he has done some really good work in small films. I thought the trailer was funny. I am in!!!!!!! YAY!!!

My sad news laptop went south...BOOO.  I am hoping a battery will fix the problem. Today was my first Blog with my chromebook.  Not a huge fan yet. So any mistakes??? Hey I did my best.
So from the shadows with my chromebook as always thanks for your time.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

New Release on DVD/Blu-Ray/Streaming This Week: Hot Pursuit

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Only one release to note this week:

Hot Pursuit
Directed by Anne Fletcher
Screenplay by David Feeney and John Quaintance
Starring: Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara

An uptight police woman (Witherspoon) tries to protect the widow of a drug informant as they race through Texas pursued by many a bad guy.

So much went wrong here. Bad jokes. Bad plot twists that are just ridiculous. A grating Sofia Vergara. I am wondering if Sofia Vergara is a one act actress. Playing the same part over and over again. And if that is true her one act is getting old, it is not funny anymore. Reese Witherspoon, at one point she dresses as a boy. This is not funny and it almost feels cringe worthy. I could go on and on giving you scenes that were suppose to be funny and just fall flat. This is a mess.
The strange thing is the funniest moment did not come from the leading ladies it came from Jim Gaffigan as a righteous farmer.
During the credits they show us outtakes from this film. The outtakes show many laughs between the two leads, sadly it seems they had more fun making the film then I did watching it. 1 1/2 star out of 5 for Hot Pursuit.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

My Top 5 Films (And Recommended) Of 2024 At Six Months

Top 5 films that I have seen in the first 6 months of the year and maybe a book and album recommendation!!! Well let me get no ...