Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wednesday Revisit Of My Number 1 Film 2002

Image result for catch me if you can

2002 was a weak year for films...
Chicago was really good but not great. Same for We were Soldiers. And same for Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers. But, there is one film that when it comes on tv, after all these years, you still stop to watch it:
My number one film of 2002.....

Directed by Steven Spielberg
Screenplay by Jeff Nathanson
Based on the book by Frank Abagnale Jr
Starring Leonardo DiCaprio; Tom Hanks; and Christopher Walken

We follow the true story of Abagnale Jr (DiCaprio) as he scams himself around the world. He is chased by FBI Agent Hanratty (Hanks)...who always seems to be one step behind.

An amazing true story, and yes it took some liberties but those liberties help the story stay fluid. Exciting. Funny. And a little sad. All in one film.
Wonderful performances by the three leads:
DiCaprio as Abaganle Jr is wonderful. He is stealing from companies. From people. Yet, he still has us cheering for him. He plays him so fun loving.(No Oscar Nom??? Really??)You understand he is almost taking the ball from his father wonderfully played by Walken.
Walken is sad yet full of hope. It is almost....depressing in a strange way.
Hanks as Hanratty. A tough part because he is likable but you hope he fails. He kind of admires Abagnale.

Well lets not forget also four really good small part by great actors......
-Jennifer Gardner as a lady of the evening
-Elizabeth Banks as a ..gigling flirt.
-Amy Adams as the cutest Candy Striper ever
-Martin Sheen as a wise and smart father...who has Abagnail's number right away

What else is right??

The look of the 60's is just beautiful from costumes to sets. I mean Pan Am!!
The score!!!!!!!!!!A great jazz score by John Williams. A jazz score from Williams!! I know!!

Well I have drooled enough here. How about a negative?

-It did need a little editing it came in at 2 hours and 21 minutes. The back end seemed to drag a bit.

Lets get to fun and not so fun facts!!!

-The movie showed Abagnale on the most wanted list. Which is not true. The list is for violent crimes.

-The film used 157 locations....yet filmed in 52 days.

-Spielberg wanted Depp originally for the Abagnale role.

Revisit it!!! If you have not seen it ....WHY???!!
4 1/2 stars out of 5 for my 2002's number 1 film Catch Me If You Can

From the shadows as always thanks for your time


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