Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A Revisit To My Number One Film Of 2000

Image result for billy elliot

Revisit Wednesday!!!!!
The year 2000 was a good year for films:
Crouching Tiger

However that year it came down to two films Almost Famous, which was my number 2...which had many memorable scenes...just....that ending!!


Directed by Stephen Daltry
Screenplay by Lee Hall
Starring Jamie Bell; Julie Waters; Gary Lewis; and Jamie Draven

11 year old Billy does not want to be a coal miner. He does not want to be a boxer. He wants to dance. In a tough town, County Durham. He has a father and brother who fight to keep the family together after dealing with the loss of their wife/mother, while also dealing with an ongoing miners strike.

It is funny, exciting, and touching. It was a quiet little movie that came out of nowhere that became a movement as a Broadway Musical. You just fall in love with Billy and his dream of being different in a tough town.
It would not work without the great performances and I do mean great:

Billy!! We are introduced to the wonderful Jamie Bell!!! He is the heartbeat, he has to be believable or the whole thing falls apart and boy is he. Lite on his feet, yet tough enough to live in a rough town. He received a SAG nomination for his role. This role was the blueprint for Broadway. Jamie Bell set the table.
Julie Waters( Yes before Mrs Weasley) as Mrs Wilkinson. An Oscar Nomination. A Golden Globe Nomination. A Sag Nomination. She is filled with love but also real tough. She is Billy's stand in mom, pushing him, as his father and brother seem frozen in time.
Then the unsung hero was Gary Lewis as Billy's dad. He makes the most changes in the film and is stunningly believable. I tough dad becoming softer and learning to love.

Well here are some fun and not so fun facts:

-Jamie Bell was going through puberty at the time of filming. Some of his dialog had to be put in during post because his voice broke.

-After seeing the film Elton John right away started working on making it a musical.

-Why wasn't Julie Waters in the final emotional scene? Simple as she was not available for filming.

-The original title was called Dancer.

If you have not seen Billy Elliot what have you been waiting for!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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