Monday, March 6, 2017

New Film Review: Cure For Wellness

Image result for cure for wellness


Directed by Gore Verbinski
Screenplay by Justin Haythe and Gore Verbginski
Starring Dane Dehann as Lockhart
              Jason Isaacs as Volmer
              Mia Goth as Hannah

It is a strange film. is a strange story. Lockhart is asked to go to like place to go fetch a CEO of the company he works for.
Well he has trouble leaving as you see from the trailer.

The film is very well acted by our three leads.
Dane Dehaan as Lockhart is great as the every man here. Just trying to get the upper management off his back. He is so in over his head. You literally feel his confusion.
Jason Issac as Volmer the bad guy. He seemed to walk in from a Bond film. You hate him...he has that cocky over confident bad guy ...Bond villain way about him. He is perfect.
Mia Goth as Hannah almost steals the film.....she is the one we care about the most. We want to save her...hug her. She is fantastic.

The look of the film is fantastic. Special effects are just creepy . Shadows as and light and darkness look creepy. Just wonderful.

Ugh!! It all sounds great. Sorry. No!!!!

The script is awful. Close to stupid. Dude call an Uber from the bar and stop drinking!!!!
It seems monotonous. The same thing happens over and over:
A-Look for CEO.
B-Stumble on creepiness
C-Get caught.
D-Next Day Look for CEO.
Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will find another job leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Leeeeaaaave!!! Idiot!!!
2 and a half hours of this!!!! Editor please!!!!!

Then we come to the end where we see a surprise, a creepy one, about two leads, which everybody saw coming. Not a surprise!!
Then it turns into a kind of horror film.
The script is a long mess.

2 out of 5 stars for this well acted, good looking, messy film.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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