Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wednesday Revisit My Best Of 2001

Image result for bridget jones diary

2001 was the not a good year for film. There was Beautiful Mind you want to really watch it again? Harry Potter And Sorcerer Stone was good but looking back the effects were weak and the young leads had a bit to go with acting.
So I come to:

Directed by Sharon Maguire
Screenplay and book by Helen Fielding
Starring Renee Zellweger; Colin Firth; and Hugh Grant

Watch it again. Yes it is a bit dated but it is still funny and mushy. It was the film that started the Rom-Com love in film. A female can lead a film!!! People want to and still want a good love story.
Everything about this film worked.
-Zellweger as Bridget is perfectly cast. Yes not British...but she is so vulnerable, like everyone she wants love but always seems to stumble at the worst time like us all.
-Firth as Darcy. Yes he is Darcy....stumbling and it here or in Pride And Predjudice. The part he is meant to play and he is spot on perfect.
-Grant as Daniel Cleaver. Cocky...self assured...we love to hate him.

The mother of Rom-Coms!!!

Fun and not so fun facts:

-To prepare for this role Zellweger gained 25 lbs.
-Hugh Grant's and Colin Firth's famous fight scene was not was all improvised.
-Zellweger filmed this at 32 years old the same age as Bridget

The perfect rom-com. Yes the other films did not land well...they made good money but were just flat. However please remember the original was perfect 5 out of 5 for Bridget Jones Diary.

From The Shadows as always thanks for your time

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