Friday, March 17, 2017

New Film Review: Beauty And The Beast 2017

Image result for beauty and the beast 2017


Directed by Bill Codon
Screenplay Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulis
Starring Emma Watson; Dan Stevens; Luke Evans; Josh Gad; and Kevin Kline

Well you know the story. So lets get right down to it shall we.

The film changes a lot from the other Disney version:

The ending is different involving a witch. I like this makes better sense than the original Disney Animated Version.
-The film adds more songs some are really sweet....How Can A moment Last Forever. Some just okay like Day In The Sun.
-We see more of a front end. How the beast became the beast and how the townspeople had their memory of the castle swiped away.
-Belle is not only a reader of books but also an inventor like her father!!

The film does a lot right...........
Everyone. I mean everyone is perfectly cast.
Watson looks great as Belle and gives us some spunk.
Evans as Gaston is great and maybe the best singer of all the cast.
Kline as Papa, is Kline, come on he is awesome.
Stevens as Beast, he is good though his face is CGI'd often.
Gadd as LeFou . The best for last!! He steals the film. He is hilarious with great comic timing and he can sing!!

The look!!! The costumes!! The sets. All just perfect!!!!!!

There are some negatives:
Other than Gaston"s song, all the songs sounded bad. I cannot tell if it was that I was just so use to the voices from the animated film or they were just bad. However I do know that was an awful version of Be Our Guest,,,,,UGH!!
As for Watson's singing, which has been getting bashed. I cant tell if her songs were bad. Again maybe I am used to the other versions. Maybe this is just her take. Still her singing did not knock me out of my seat. I am not going to bash her for taking a chance. I will go on record and say she was not bad she just sang the popular songs a different way. She was okay.
With all the talk about it being a Live Version. Well there was a lot of CGI...starting with chip and clock and so on. I hated them. I thought they looked awful and kind of creepy.
They added a back story of Beast's parents and Belle's mother. Trying to link the two. It was not needed and just depressing. If anything it was confusing and sad to younger viewers. Bad idea.

With all that being noted......Why do you go see this? To be entertained. In that aspect I found the film entertaining. It worked. We can debate was this really needed...but I do know the crowd in my private screening cheered at the end....I did not mind this was fun...4 out of 5 for this well acted re-imagined Beauty And The Beast.

Final note if you are planning on taking young ones. Wolves attacking in an animated film is a lot different in a live action film. Very scary. Please note.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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