Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Film Review: Proming Young Woman



Screenplay and Directed by Emerald Fennell

Cassandra (Carey Mulligan), is traumatized by an event in her past, seeks revenge to all in her path.

After watching this film I sat there thinking, how can I recommend this film. I mean, there's really not a good soul in this film. There are sleazy guys. There are females who are assholes. Then there Is Cassandra who is just batshit crazy.  However 2 days later the film still sticks with you. Its like nothing I have seen before, which is always a pleasant surprise. but this one is something.

Its spoiler free,I will not get into the whys and hows ...but..again batshit crazy. You will finish watching it and think...ugh...then the next two days you will keep thinking about it.

This is highlighted by an Oscar worthy performance by the always good Carey Mulligan. Her best performance since An Education (which is available on Netflix, also a little nutty). Wait a minute I just realized Alfred Molina is in Promising Young Woman and An Education also, I guess I am a little slow lol. Well anyway Mulligan is freaking good as Cassandra, she has you cheering for her, but also scaring you. She walks that fine line perfectly. She spends her nights pretending to be drunk until she get back to the mans apartment or home...then surprise. This is no spoiler its in the trailer and in the first 5 minutes. The tension never lets up. This is not a horror film in the sense of a slasher film, but it is horror on another level, psychological.

Credit goes to Director and Writer Emerald Ferrell. He keeps the film moving at a nice clip. It is never boring that is for sure. The camera work at the bachelor party makes you the viewer claustrophobic, you want out of there also!!! Well done.

4 out of 5 stars for Promising Young Woman, one of the best films of the year. Sure to have you talking.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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