Sunday, December 27, 2020

New Film Review: Wonder Woman 1984



Directed by Patty Jenkins
Story by Patty Jenkins and Geoff Johns

Wonder Woman is back....this time in the 80's.  With two foes...Max Lord and The Cheetah.

In a rare occurrence this will have spoilers at the end...I will note if you want to avoid them. I need to note spoilers to explain my problems with this film.
And yes I only review films I see in theaters and yes I saw this in IMAX. Do not ask.

First there are some good things:
Gal Gadot is just great, a perfect Wonder Woman.
Gal Gadot has great chemistry with Chris Pine, wonderful together.
This movie does not work without a good bad guy, and Pedro Pascal is just awesome as Max Lord. He drips with sleaze!
Kristen Wigg as Barbara Minerva/The Cheetah, is really good. She adds a bit of sadness and at the same time humor to her role.    
So wrap all this up and you have a good start to a film (ignoring the bad special effects). I sat there thinking well this is not really as bad as what people have been saying.


I will not get into the confusion of the return of Steve Trevor and what happened to the other guy he took over...I guess.
I will not get into why we needed to see the beginning sequence of Diana as a youngster. What does it have to do with the movie?
I will get into the end. What the .................!!! After 2 hours and 30 minutes of film it gets decided by the bad guy just changing his mind. Diane just sitting in the corner saying...please renounce because your son will want you to. Then out of no where he cares about his son and renounces.
 I put this lazy PC ending in the hands of Director, Patty Jenkins. The same Director who made a mess of the last convoluted half hour of the last Wonder Woman film. She cannot finish a film. I wish to have a million dollars...but now I makes me a bad person, this is what people did in this movie. WTH!!!!!!!!!!!! Then Max Lord is rushing across a field because has enlightenment now because Wonder Woman is a therapist evidently. However even more ridiculous we are suppose to believe everyone and everything goes back to normal. What the heck happen to Max????!!! It almost makes the whole film pointless!!! 
Then the confusing part at the end with Diana with the the body that Steve used. Why? Just why?
I don't understand the love for Patty Jenkins. You know its OK to put down a female director. I mean, just like men there are good and bad directors. I mean there are great directors like Greta Gerwig, and then there are bad, and I think Patty Jenkins is bad. The scary part she is going to direct the next Star Wars. She would have Kylo Renn renounce the dark side because he feels bad. There would be no light sabers just renounce and hugs. 
I literally put my hands in the air in the theater and whispered, is not doing this? Right? A Hallmark movie ending.

Okay enough...
2 1/2 stars out of 5 for Wonder Woman 1984.  2 1/2 for the acting and plot.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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