Wednesday, December 2, 2020

New Film Review: Freaky


Directed by Christopher Landon
Screenplay by Michael Kennedy and Christopher Landon

Well it is pretty much Freaky Friday, the horror version. You can watch the trailer to see the hows and whys.

If you are a frequent flyer to my blog you already know I am not a horror film guy. I rarely review them. This trailer to this film kinda intrigued me. The Director Christopher Landon scored big with Happy Death Day, then created the god awful Happy Death Day 2. about Freaky?

Freaky did a lot right...first in casting...
Vince Vaughn is freaking (No pun intended) great as not only the The Murderer but as Millie also. 
Kathryn Newton as Millie and then the Murderer, is so good it messes with your mind a bit. You cheer for her then you think...WAIT..I am not suppose to!!
The script adds humor with Millie's friends...Celeste O'Connor as Nyla and Misha Osherovich as Josh. They are so funny in the face of the terror going on around them.

Landon did everything right here with a mix of horror, tension, and humor. The story-line, as silly as it is, just works. Just don't overthink it. You come for the screams and laughter, and you get that with some good performances. 

4 out of 5 stars for Freaky...
From the shadows thanks for your time as always!!

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