Wednesday, December 2, 2020

New Film Review: Honest Thief



Director Mark Williams

Screenplay by Steve Allrich and Mark Williams

Hoping to live an honest life, a serial bank robber decides to turn himself in. Well things do not go as planned.

I really enjoyed this film!! It had a slow burn.
Well acted by Liam Neeson who is Tom the honest thief.
Tom's girlfriend, Annie, is played by wonderfully by Kate Walsh. She has great chemistry with Neeson.
There is also a very good small role played by Jefferey Donovan, as the wise Agent Myers.
Helping the actors out is a good tight screenplay by Allrich and Williams. 
Director Williams keeps the script on point, at 99 minutes, Honest Thief does no over stay it's welcome.

Yes there are negatives:

I do not want to give  away too much about the film, however I can say the hole or maybe highlight the stupidity of Tom. For someone so smart, who can rob many banks without getting caught (In a brilliant non-violent way by the way), how did he not know to call a lawyer first before calling the police!?
I don't know why but that thought kept bugging me during the film. Or maybe the great bank robber finally made a

Still the film is fun and intense with a love story thrown into it. I would give it 3 1/2 stars out 5.
Catch in on pay per a fun watch.

From the shadows as always thanks for for your time!!

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