Wednesday, December 16, 2020

New Film Review: Half Brothers



Directed by Luke Greenfield
Screenplay by Jason Shuman and Eduardo Cisneros

Renato, an Aviation Executive (Luis Gerardo Mendez), finds out he has a Half Brother Asher (Connor Del Rio). They are forced to take on a road trip together as per their fathers request.

This was a pretty funny film. I love a road trip movie so I was sucked in. 
Highlighted by a very funny performance by Del Rio; and Mendez was really good as the uptight straight man.
The script, yes the reason for the road trip is contrived, but still it has many funny moments, and you know where its going in the end but the two leads are really good, and they have you caring for the characters.
This may be the funniest film I have seen this year.

The big negative is a complaint of mine that I have blogged about before. If I go to see a political film, or a true story, I usually know what I am getting and what the umbrella of the story line is. Now movies like this, I sit in the theater to get away from the world, so adding certain unnecessary political statements bother me and I think disrupts the flow of the movie. The most important thing is, these scenes were not needed in this film and it felt like pandering. No spoilers here but I wanted to mention it.

So .....4 out of 5 for Half Brothers a very nice surprise.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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