Thursday, July 18, 2019

New Film Review: The Lion King

Image result for lion king


When I did my review of the recent Aladdin remake I noted I went in thinking it was a money grab. I was wrong. Was it necessary? No. However it worked, with new twists and two talented leads.
Now as I watched the new Lion King.....I must is a disappointing money grab.
Not much to say here...If you pay for this film, unfortunately you will see the same story you saw in the 1994 animated version, The Circle Of Life involves your uncle killing your dad.
There are problems here:
-They put the film in the hands of Jon Favreau. Which was a good move by Disney, because he did the re-imagining of Jungle Book. Jungle Book kind of worked, but what it had going for it was it had one human in it as the lead to show personality. Here, there are no humans, and all our attention is on these computerized animals who show no personality on their faces. I swear half the characters here sound like they are just reading their lines, just bad voice work. Plus often the computerized animals mouths do not come close to the movement of the lines they are speaking. It does not work.
-Think about the violence in the animated movie. Now think about it with animals that look real. THEY GAVE THIS A PG RATING!!!!!!!!!!! NOT PG13??????!!! This is no lie during the Mufasa death scene there was a lot of people crying. Kids were being escorted out of the theater by their parents because of the violent scene. I was nosey wondering if they bailed on this, so I snuck out and saw a mom talking to a crying boy telling him "honey you know it is a happy ending". I bet he will sleep well tonight mom.

Any positives?
I thought when the animals, when not talking, looked amazingly real, even their motions looked amazing. To be honest young Simba looks really cute. The landscapes were beautiful also. So at least thumbs up to Favreau for that.

2 stars out of 5 for Lion King 2019, for the look and the story, even though it is the same it still works....more violently but it works. Now I know what I note here will not matter. However I am is the same story with little changes. wait for home viewing if you are on the fence. I still do not understand why they just did not do a film of the Broadway stage show which is amazing. Kind of like what they just did with Cats. I think it would separate the versions in a smooth manner, while introducing to many who did not see the show to something different.
But...what do I know....I just sit in the shadows.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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