Thursday, July 4, 2019

New Film Review: Spiderman Far From Home

Image result for spider man far from home


The first superhero film since Endgame.
There is a lot going on here.....maybe too much.
Get this out of the way first:
The acting was great highlighted by Zendaya as MJ.
As for the story, there are 2 storylines here...
1-Once again involving Peter Parker's life in high school and his love for MJ. Remember these kids are dealing with life after what they call THE BLIP. Some people who did not disappear for 5 years grew 5 years older. The kids who were part of the blip come back at the same age. Now these high school kids have to deal with odd things like that. I found this story line fun and well written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers.
2-The action/battle (No spoilers) was barely interesting and felt like it was getting in the way of the other storyline. I give it credit, it gave us a trippy Christopher Nolan vibe. However there were sooooooooooooooooooooooo many plot holes...of reality and not...I can't get into without spoiling. Then....where or when did Spiderman become Superman Man Of Steel. I mean apparently Spiderman can fall on concrete from many stories above and just get up. Plus, I know the movie touched on this is becoming more and more annoying........WHERE ARE THE OTHER SUPERHEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes they mentioned a couple names not being available but all of them???????!!!! Really???!! Shit is going down and people are dying but lets have the teenager deal with it. Really????!! I cannot buy that!!
Then the after credit scenes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those scenes dropped the movie down for me. It kept the movie open. No ending!!! You know I hate this the most....You pay for a beginning .....middle....and end. You should get that. You do not pay for a.....come back to see the ending and pay more money!!

2 1/2 stars out of 5 for Spiderman Far From Home. The film started out so well and ended with a disappointing thud in the end credits.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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