Thursday, July 4, 2019

New Film Review: Non-Fiction

Image result for non fiction movie

This is a French film that tells the story of a couple writers, an editor, and their significant others as they deal with success and failures as they enter their mid-life. Not to mention.........oh they are all sleeping together.

This film comes so close to being good, and it just misses.
There are great moments as they sit around a table and talk about publishing and its changing times. If you follow my blog, which you should it is wonderful, I looooove a table scene. People just talking and getting to know each other.
Then there are interesting scenes where they are sleeping around with each other without their significant others knowing....and the conversations that happen before and after.
There are even strange funny parts where they are talking about audio books and their popularity and how people do not want to read. How Selena should get Juliette Binoche to do the audio for her book. As you know Selena is played by Juliette Binoche. Hey I laughed.

Now this film seems interesting but sadly it did not know what it wanted to be. It never went all in on any of the storylines. Nothing seemed fleshed out sadly. The storylines went no where. That is on Olivier Assayas who wrote and directed the film, it seemed like he wanted to say so much but said so little. He kind of did the same with Clouds Of Sils Maria and Personal Shopper, he has a tendency to have interesting ideas and somehow he cant close. The one thing Assayas does right so often is get really good actors in his films and here he has the wonderful Binoche; Guillaume Canet; and Vincent Macaigne. So at least that helps push this film along.

Well any way...........
2 1/2 stars out of 5 for Non Fiction...well acted just not fully realized.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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