Friday, September 14, 2018

New Film Review: A Simple Favor

Image result for a simple favor

3 1/2 OUT OF 4 STARS

Just well acted by both Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively ...and that makes the film work.
One is meek and the other is harsh and outgoing. They are an odd couple for sure...even in size. Emily (Lively) towers over the smaller meek Stephanie((Kendrick). They also both have secrets...No Spoilers Here!!
The script worked however I often wanted to shout at the screen to Stephanie...ahhhh call the police NOW!!! Call the police NOW!!! Then there is the police. They have to see Stephanie's video blog...DO SOMETHING!!!!
The there is the end...odd..they told us in writing about what happened to certain characters. AAAHHH why not show us? Did they run out of money. Its not a true felt lazy..thrown in after a test screening said...what happened afterwards.

Well is intense and worth a look for the story and the acting.

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