Tuesday, September 18, 2018

New Film Review: THE BOOKSHOP

Image result for the bookshop

2 stars out of 5

It has a very good performance by Bill Nighy as Edmund Brundish in a very small part.
Also has a well done difficult performance by Emily Mortimor..in a difficult part where she rarely shows emotion as a woman who wants to open up a bookstore in a small town inside an historic building she owns.
There is a young girl named Honor Kneafsey...who somehow becomes the heart of the story and is fantastic as the helper Christine in the bookshop.
Patricia Clarkson is wasted and really on the screen for maybe 5 minutes. I feel like her part was edited out...
Which brings me to the story itself. It feels flat. Too quiet. Too depressing. Moving slow if not at all moving. A depressing ending trying to hide within the lesson of the value of books.
Maybe worth a look for home viewing but it is slow be warned.

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