Wednesday, September 12, 2018

New Film Review: Juliet Naked

Image result for juliet naked


4 out of 5 stars

There is not much wrong with this film. Rose Byrne is wonderful.
Chris O'Dowd has great comic timing as usual. Ethan Hawke, maybe one of our most underrated actors, gives a brilliant performance.
The script is tight,,,full of "feels" and laughter. The film does not overstay its welcome...however leads me to a couple negatives.
I wanted to feel it more, a little more emotion...I think more time between Annie (Byrne) and Tucker (Hawke) was needed for that. When they are together you want to just hear them talk. The chemistry is that good. I also wanted to laugh a little more ...but I do understand there is a lot going on here and stories have to be told (No Spoilers).

Still maybe the best romantic comedies of the year. Find it if you can and see it. It is not a knock your socks off movie. However it is fun and it stays with you.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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