Wednesday, September 12, 2018

New Film Review: BlacKkKlansman

Image result for blackkklansman


2 out of 5 stars

The story is crazy and it is true....often, sadly, laugh out loud funny at how stupid people are.
Well acted by John David Washington and Adam Driver. Then Topher Grace comes in as David Duke and also is wonderfully unintentionally (I think) funny. There is a weak link in the acting department and that is Laura Harrier as Patrice. Boy was she bad, and she was so good in Spiderman!!! What happened??!! She was almost reading her lines in front of us.
Now the biggest problem with this film is Spike Lee. Choppy editing I can ignore. A story that could have been told in 90 minutes he went over 2 hours. I can almost ignore.
But the AWFUL decision by a film maker to throw in anti Trump real footage at the end was just in-explainable. The viewers saw the film. We have brains. We can watch and see what is the common thread then and now. However he decides to pull away from the magic of this film...pull away from the wonderful actors who worked hard to put this point across and treat the viewer as if they are stupid. We cannot figure out the thread???!! For pulling us away from the film. For not trusting the viewer and the actors. This movie crashed for me. I was stunned. It lost 2 stars from me.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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