Tuesday, September 20, 2016

New Releases For Home Viewing This Week: With Free State Of Jones

Image result for free state of jones

Not a great week for home viewing releases this week. I just have two to note.


Directed: Gary Ross
Screenplay: Leonard Hartman and Gary Ross
Starring: Matthew McConaughey; Gugu Mbatha-raw; Mahershala Ali; and Keri Russell

The Free State Of Jones follows a Confederate Soldier Newton Knight who leaves the war in disgust. After returning home he fights for his right not to fight, the rights of home/property owners to protect their land and property from the government; and also black individuals right to be free.

I will start with the highlights...the acting:

Matthew McConaughey as Newton Knight is really good. This may sound odd but his voice tone and I guess movements in this film makes him very believable. He is a leader. An almost a reluctant leader that influences people to believe and also to follow. Like he did in Mud and Dallas Buyers Club he just becomes the character.
Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Rachel, a house slave who helps the rebels in the swamps. She is so talented. I have been saying this since I watched her in Belle (See it!!). She was underused in Concussion but she still was great. Here, again, fantastic, she says so much with a look and a smile. I will go as far to say maybe top 5 actresses working today.
Keri Russell as Serena is barely in the film but when she is she shines.
The best for last!!Mahershala Ali gives an Oscar worthy performance as Moses. He steals this movie from McConaughey. He is the leader behind the leader. He pulls the strings and you never have any doubt about what he is capable of. He is smart; strong; and a ball of emotions. I think most people know him from the Hunger Games series, that was a small part, here he just shines in a much bigger part.

Now we come to a problem. The screenplay. Do not get me wrong, it is not a bad movie. In fact it is a pretty good film. I learned a lot. The film starts strong, the first hour is fantastic. Then as the film move on it becomes a shell of a story. We do not dig into characters. We do not dig into ramifications or how far reaching the actions are felt. It loses focus with way to many angles and stories, The script needed tightening. It was 140 minutes and it felt rushed at the end, so you can see there is a problem. They also made a strange decision to show a court case in the future throughout the film to make it relate to the story that it is telling. That decision was unnecessary, it took us away from the story and that time could have been used for development. In fact there was a part of me that thought this would have been better as something like a 5 week miniseries on TV. It is a fascinating story that I never knew about, and with more time it could dig deeper into all the story lines. As odd as this sounds the movie ends with a thud. It seemed rushed and cut short, which is a shame.

3 1/2 stars out of 5 for Free State Of Jones. Just an interesting story with great performances. It lacks depth. Maybe see the film then buy the book The State Of Jones: The Small Southern County That Seceded From The Confederacy to expand on the film.


Directed by Nicholas Stoller
Screenplay by Andrew J Cohen; Brendan O'Brien;Nicholas Stoller; Seth Rogan; and Evan Goldberg
Starring Seth Rogan; Zac Efron; Rose Byrne; and Grace Moretz

Again Mac Radner (Seth Rogan) and Kelly Radner (Rose Byrne) are having Neighbor problems.
This time they get help from former nemesis Teddy Sanders (Zac Efron).

When I first did the film review I called it Bad Neighbors and Bad Neighbors 2 (wink wink). I apologize I should have called it Terrible Neighbors.

I was not a big fan of the first Neighbors. I just felt it annoying. I tend to get annoyed by people being rude and mean. So coming in to number 2, I heard good things. I was looking forward to this.
Well..............................................NO!!!! Bad Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!

This film was real bad. It was not funny, I did not laugh once. Not once. Did I say not once?
I found every single person in this film to be annoying: stupid; and unrealistic.
THERE WAS FIVE WRITERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can this film be this bad with five writer???!!!
I love Grace Moretz. I think she is a pretty good young actress, here I felt bad for her.

Here is my synopsis of this film. Kids move next door to married couple. They have underage parties that can be calmed down if they call the police. But no. They are idiots. Not in a funny way. Just idiots. The End!!

I know that maybe this film was not made for my age group. However there are parts of this film that younger kids cannot relate to. You may say I don't get this type of humor. I like Zoolander; This Is The End. Superbad. You know why??? They were actually funny.

1/2 stars out of 5 for Neighbors 2. I do not get what critics were watching.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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