Saturday, September 17, 2016

New Film Review: Bridget Jone's Baby

Image result for Bridget Jones's baby


Directed by Sharon Maguire
Screenplay by Helen Fielding; Emma Thompson; and Dan Mazer
Starring Renee Zellweger; Colin Firth; Patrick Dempsey; and Emma Thompson

Well...this is why I decided to start this blog. Anti critic snobbery blog. I read a critic say this is one of the worst films of the year. Initials RR (BUT LIKED THE LOBSTER!!!). Really? Critics cannot split or segregate film goers. There is a difference in movie goers who want to go see Hell Or High Water and Bridget Jones's Diary Yes sometimes these movie goers merge but usually they do not. That is just the way it is. Market to women. Market to teens. Market to Men. Market to geek computer people. Market to Comic-Con fans.  It is what it is. It is the new studio system. Critics I know, their job is to review the film and technical aspects, however they often forget the target market. It's REACH.
Why do you go see a movie of this type?
To leave your brain at the door.
To get some laughs (not as many as I hoped but I laughed out loud a couple times).
To revisit a beloved character in Bridget Jones.
For romance (Kinda Delivered).
The love of Darcy.

That is why they go to this film. Not to see an Oscar winner, they want to get away from the world and smile for a bit. In that way this film delivers.....well kind of.

The positive in this film are for sure is Zellweger. Coming off the terrible second film I was surprised she came back to this character. However it was a wonderful decision. She is awesome. In fact Best Actress, not for an Oscar, but maybe Comedy Actress Golden Globes.  She lets the film show her age and her slight desperation. Perfect.
Her costars are all really good. Firth and Dempsey are perfect as the possible fathers. Exact opposites of each other. One an older man, British, showing his years, walks with the weight of the world on his shoulders. The other an American, walks with a bounce, younger, more modern. When they are together they play off of each other quietly, which makes it funny.

The problems?

Well I noted I wish it was funnier.
That brings me to the script. I think there is an umbrella of sadness buried in the script that gets washed over. What Bridget is doing to these two men is slightly rude. I felt bad for them for being in this position, making it the first time in these films I kind of did not like Bridget. The way she was knowingly or unknowingly playing both sides. This kind of squashed the humor a bit.
The script again: The ending. We were leading up to the big moment and it was wacky a bit but then dull and uneventful with using a cheap unneeded trick at the final baptism.

It was great to see Zellweger again as Bridget, or as an older Bridget. It is serviceable as a funny rom-com. A movie to get you away from the world. I just wish it was more. Just More. 3 out of 5 stars. Far from the worst film of the year...not even close...looking at you Neighbors 2.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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