Sunday, September 4, 2016

New Film review: The Light Between The Oceans

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Directed by Derek Cianfrance
Screenplay by Derek Cianfrance
Based on the book by M.L. Steadman
Starring Michael Fassbender; Alicia Vikander; and Rachel Weiz

The book evidently was popular following the life of Tom the new lighthouse keeper ( Fassbender) and a local woman Isabel (Vikander).

Well I did not read the book. So I went into the screening with no idea what I was going to see. In fact this is one of the rare films that I did not see a trailer or commercial before I stepped into the theater.
The film is very uneven and seems like it is rushed in many parts.

Well let me start with the positives:

Fassbender as Tom was an interesting character. Coming from the Great War and electing to live a quiet lonely life in the lighthouse.

The script is interesting. I know it is billed as a love story but in reality it is a film about making right decisions and wrong decisions. It is about ethics.

I like the ending, it was sweet in an odd way because it reminds us that, know matter what you think about what these two did....we absolutely know they saved a babies life.

The negatives:

Why does Tom want the isolation? Who is Isabel before she meets Tom? Maybe a lot of the book was left on the floor. However I can just go by what I see and feel from the film. I really do not know who these two leads are. They are just kind of cold to me. In fact, and this is really odd, the Vikander and Fassbender do not seem to have too much chemistry...AND IN REAL LIFE THEY ARE DATING!!!
So maybe it was...Fassbender's Character was so cold that there is a stiffness between them. Or maybe we just did not know enough about them which made the chemistry seemed off.

The all important ending..,.the last 15 minutes..was reaaalllllly rushed. They covered time too quick. They covered the WHY of happenings too quick (no spoilers here as always). I would probably bet the book had more details noted I can only go by the film.

Weiz as Hannah seems miscast. A wonderful actress who seems I can't explain it but just off.

An interesting film just because of the ethics question. 3 out of 5 stars for The Light Between The Oceans.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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