Friday, August 26, 2016

New Film Review: Hell Or High Water

Image result for hell or high water


Directed by David Mackenzie
Screenplay by Taylor Sheridan
Starring Jeff Bridges; Chris Pine; Ben Foster; and Gil Birmingham

Wow. After a summer full of so-so films, or just okay or better than okay films this shows up in August. One of the best films of the year period.
I think about films and TV shows that show bank heists, that the viewers seem to always cheer on the bank robbers. Even here, with Jeff Bridges as Marcus Hamilton, a pit-bull of a Sheriff who is doing the right thing. Even here with Hamilton's side kick Alberto Parker played wonderfully by Gil Birmingham as he puts up with Hamilton's off color jokes. Even here with Ben Foster, in another of his great performances, as a wacky unlikable bank robber Tanner Howard who shoots before he thinks. So why do we cheer for the bad guy to get away with a bank robbery? This film touches on it. Here in modern times especially, banks are looked upon as the bad guy. This movie touches on this often, and that makes the film even more interesting. We as viewers are kind of split in our emotions. We love a successful bank robbery but we also want Hamilton to catch the robbers, to be successful as he winds down his career.

It is well acted, in fact all four actors deserve consideration during awards season. Maybe the best performance of Chris Pines career. He is like us, he knows he is doing wrong but has to push forward with his plan to rob the banks. The same banks that he feels are doing his family wrong and in the long run will help his said family.

The script by David Mackenzie is one of the best if not the best of the year. Kind of a western....kind of not. Kind of a story about the economic plight of land owners in the south, yet kinda not. It has you thinking to the end.

If I had a complaint I thought the ending was too open. Yes I want that final showdown. However maybe the last conversation is all the showdown that was needed. Even that conversation had me thinking. No spoiler reviews as always.
So.......before I end this. The best male performance of the year so far by Jeff Bridges. He is smart, yet rude, yet obnoxious, yet a little sad. He mumbles like he is always saying his thoughts. He is great, just great here.

4 1/2 out of 5 stars for one of the best, interesting, exciting, well written films of the year. Find it, see it.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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